Comments on: eBay and Etsy Send Urgent Pleas to Sellers on Saturday Ecommerce Industry News Sat, 19 Jun 2021 11:08:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: BillWithersThe3rd Sat, 19 Jun 2021 11:08:23 +0000 Of course Ebay is scared. Ebays fees are way too high. Really cute how they charge a fee for shipping. What a scam to get a higher kickback. And now with taxes being charged. Ebay has priced it self out for most sellers. It just isn’t worth the hassle anymore. Facebook Marketplace is free and is cutting into their profit. Although the secret sell through contracts they signed with Chinese Corporations will keep them happy. Hell, just the advertising on the site makes them plenty of money to stay afloat.

By: BillWithersThe3rd Sat, 19 Jun 2021 11:03:50 +0000 In reply to steve.

Alot of People have a Instagram or Facebook page to at least advertise their current stuff for sale, but it is risky for the seller to do business off the site. Bigger chance of getting scammed.

By: ChristmasElf Tue, 25 May 2021 18:34:07 +0000 I don’t see what the problem is. When you establish a business you must provide basic information so that you can register with the state and federal governments. Why would anyone be opposed to providing a customer with basic information? Our business name, physical address, email address and telephone number is posted on our website. I’d much rather purchase a product from someone that isn’t afraid to provide basic business information as opposed to someone hiding behind an avatar. Legitimate businesses have to pay fees and taxes, and it doesn’t matter if you generate $500 or $5 million in revenue. I’m all for Congress forcing eBay and other sales channels to ensure that those selling products on their platforms are legitimate.

By: helpme Tue, 25 May 2021 17:42:15 +0000 Has Ebay done anything outside of “advertisements” to help my business since 2008?….not really. If they are for it….im probably against it. I see the other cynics up there, and I feel you. I pay my taxes and am legit…..and yes, I sell out of my house….my info is very public and I wish it was more public, and there may be some folks that live in really BAD neighborhoods…..but otherwise…..what is the fear about? Is someone going to come with a really big semi, and a bunch of people to help carry my stuff out of my house one night???? Good luck!~ Anyway, I just think transparency is good….kind of like facts and stuff…, time, light…….all that is good right? I live in a good location…..if not…..get a p.o. box….it even works for taxes, as long as you pay them!~

By: helpme Tue, 25 May 2021 17:13:10 +0000 Im actually for it. My business will go up as people would be able to contact me directly. It drives me crazy already that I cant even talk to my own customers…..unless it is approved by ebay? The crazy thing is folks… works in your favor if your legit. Sure, we can come up with a hundred reasons it isnt also….but I am telling you right now that if ebay is against it….i am probably for it. They are only looking out for their interests…..then they scare you…..give me a break. Im not helping them anymore with their legislative agenda. I pay my taxes. Im not scared of legislation…..but they are? Think about it. Dont give me the govt doesnt belong in your business……they are our business in case nobody has figured that out. Simple ideas folks…..think it through. I understand security concerns…..but you can always have a po box.

By: Actual Seller Tue, 25 May 2021 16:27:07 +0000 This is great if it will ban Chinese sellers pretending to be here but my guess is it will not.

With uploading our DL numbers, it is likely just a way for them to cross platform ban people who they feel should be “fired” from their jobs for saying something they do not agree with on another platform.

By: steve Tue, 25 May 2021 15:05:37 +0000 In reply to The End.

I wish it were easy to find out who the seller is, so I can buy direct. Many sellers for whatever reason want to keep giving Ebay their fees. The downside is for those that arbitrage there are some retailers that will stalk you online and get you in trouble and then ebay or amazon will kick you off. Think about it, if Ebay or Amazon does not like something it is more about them then you.

By: SammyCat2001 Tue, 25 May 2021 12:41:33 +0000 (3) HIGH-VOLUME THIRD PARTY SELLER.—The term “high-volume third party seller” means a user of an online marketplace who is a third party seller and who, in any continuous 12-month period during the previous 24 months, has entered into 200 or more discrete sales or transactions of new or unused consumer products resulting in the accumulation of an aggregate total of $5,000 or more in gross revenues.


(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), upon the request of a high-volume third party seller, an online marketplace may provide for partial disclosure of the identity information required under paragraph (1)(A) in the following situations:

(i) If the high-volume third party seller demonstrates to the online marketplace that the seller does not have a business address and only has a personal street address, the online marketplace may direct the high-volume third-party seller to disclose only the country and, if applicable, the State in which the high-volume third-party seller resides on the product listing, and may inform consumers that there is no business address available for the seller and that consumer inquiries should be submitted to the seller’s email address.

By: SammyCat2001 Tue, 25 May 2021 12:31:08 +0000 (2) EXCEPTION.—

(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), upon the request of a high-volume third party seller, an online marketplace may provide for partial disclosure of the identity information required under paragraph (1)(A) in the following situations:

(i) If the high-volume third party seller demonstrates to the online marketplace that the seller does not have a business address and only has a personal street address, the online marketplace may direct the high-volume third-party seller to disclose only the country and, if applicable, the State in which the high-volume third-party seller resides on the product listing, and may inform consumers that there is no business address available for the seller and that consumer inquiries should be submitted to the seller’s email address.

By: fof9l Mon, 24 May 2021 18:35:45 +0000 In reply to Shanna.

This already happens at eBay UK; all listings posted by a business have to display the business address and phone number and VAT registration information. I don’t know whether UK sellers have a problem with that, but I do know trhat, as an occasional UK buyer, I have found it very useful, especially if I need to contact a seller during or after a purchase.
