eBay is running sweepstakes promotions for both buyers and sellers. The “Gift It With eBay” sweepstakes encourages buyers to respond to holiday-related posts on social media using the hashtags #ebaygifts and #sweepstakes.
eBay will give out five $500 and ten $200 eBay Gift Cards as part of the Gift It With eBay Sweepstakes that kicked off today and runs through November 23, 2020. In the first of two posts, eBay asks buyers to comment on Twitter with a description of the best gift they’ve ever received. (Official rules are posted to the PrizeLogic.com website.)
eBay is also hosting a holiday sweepstakes for sellers on the eBay for Business Facebook page that kicked off on November 6 and runs through December 6, 2020. In the first “Holiday Hustle” sweepstakes, eBay asks sellers to post a photo of themselves packing and shipping their holiday orders for a chance to win a $200 eBay gift card on this Facebook post. (Official rules are posted on this page.)
Marni Levine announced the seller sweepstakes in a “Seller Check-in” video on November 9th.
Social media is cancer. Don’t play.
“Holiday Hustle”
fleecebay hustles from buyers everyday with their crooked unethical ways.
at least now they admit its just a hustle