Comments on: Sixth eBay Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Cyberstalking Campaign Ecommerce Industry News Fri, 17 Jun 2022 20:37:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:46:59 +0000 I have been on here since basically the beginning and met Ina and had a nice talk with her at the eBay convention out in Vegas in 2006. I hope they get their just dues and yes the upper management knew all about this I am sure.
It is also the worst thing I have heard of a corporation doing to some one and it just shows the neglect and arrogance of corporate types thinking they can get away with anything.

By: The End Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:52:06 +0000 Ebay must be driven out of business.

By: spooky Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:54:54 +0000 The single worst case of billion dollar company evil I have ever witnessed. The Steiners should now own eBay. I hope they make a record breaking settlement

By: Mazdaman Thu, 28 Apr 2022 03:23:14 +0000 I’ve said for decades that eBay pays no attention to the “How did we do?” surveys or anything else they purport to send to sellers to gauge what the opinion is of eBay Corporate.

Here’s further proof: “Senior executives at eBay were frustrated with the newsletter’s tone and content, and with the tone and content of comments posted beneath the newsletter’s articles.”.

If these morons at eBay had only read their own forums, or paid attention to the surveys and feedback THEY PUBLISHED THEMSELVES, they’d have known the disdain for eBay’s antics was quite prevalent and only being echoed by the publishers in Natick. But since nobody reads what we respond to, the ivory tower MBAs at eBay thought the Natick publisher was the only one spreading the truth, and thus squelching them would be a good idea.

How wrong they were, and still are.

By: Bruce Hershenson Thu, 28 Apr 2022 03:22:54 +0000 I have known the Steiners since they first published their newsletter. This affair was probably the most vile story about a major corporation that has ever come to light.

Personally I have no doubt that the highest echelons of eBay likely knew of and approved of this, and I hope that, as the investigation proceeds, more and more higher-ups are caught and sent to prison.

And I have no doubt the Steiners will win a MASSIVE judgment from a civil suit, but no amount of money can repay them for the suffering they were put through.

By: RL15 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 19:05:41 +0000 hopefully he will get the max
