Comments on: Etsy Appeals to Bargain Hunters as It Expands Offers to Handmade Ecommerce Industry News Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:36:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: cvsharkey Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:36:14 +0000 Have you seen the commercials? Etsy featuring celebrities who have “contributed” to designs in home decor? NOT handmade, NOT vintage. Now, they’re taking tips from Wayfair!

Etsy has been replicating eBay for years & apparently is running out of ideas from them. So, they’re moving on to takes on a different market segment.

This is SO not (any longer) a handmade marketplace. In the several million shops that have been created since Etsy’s inception, how many are still active? How many actual handmade sellers have already left? The new “Make an offer” is likely to send more handmade sellers screaming for the door.

By: Clark7371 Mon, 17 Jul 2023 06:38:51 +0000 Etsy offered this option to me but I declined. This is an insult to all sellers of handmade items as it dismisses our time and skill. I can’t afford to entertain lowball offers. I have my prices set on what I have to get for the time and money I invest in my items. Etsy no longer understands handmade items.

By: Stoned11 Sun, 16 Jul 2023 17:41:59 +0000 *** If it looks like a duck… ***

If it looks like Ebay and acts like Ebay, then just call it Ebay.

I thought that Etsy was a forum for handmade artisans…at least that’s what CEO Silverman tells Wall Street.

I agree with the OP’s comments…that it’s hard enough for the public to take artisans seriously. As an artisan jeweler, I have no interest in haggling over a price as my pieces take me 5+ hours to make. Etsy has no respect for the artisans that Etsy claims to support. If Etsy truly sold Etsy as a site for true artists, they would generate a buyer base that would pay extra for the uniqueness of the site. Instead, Etsy creates commercials that call Etsy a site of “affordable” items.

This planet is filled with higher end customers with exposable cash. Yet, Etsy has NOT focused on that type of customer base.

What a stupid company. They could generate more cash for both Seller and Buyer if they would spend more to promote higher end pieces for the affluent buyer.

By: The End Fri, 14 Jul 2023 20:45:51 +0000 That’s right.
Etsy is NOT helping.
Apparently no one at Etsy makes anything by hand.
Keyboarding doesn’t count.
Can’t wait ’til the arthritis kicks in from all this hand making.

By: eBray Fri, 14 Jul 2023 09:47:54 +0000 “Bargain Hunters” nicer way of saying Cheapskates.
