Issue: Can't edit/update a canned "shipping policy" - it just clocks. This'll be a problem for everyone at the next postage increase; ie. when "flat rate" prices go up.
By: volvo351
Are you experiencing this issue?

lstreeter Thumbs Up
February 15, 2024
  10:56 AM
I've had this problem for quite a while.  If I edit the policy inside a listing the progress wheel just hangs forever.  I shut it down and re-open the policy and the change is made but it looks like it never finished saving.

rstpete Thumbs Up
February 17, 2024
  09:35 AM
Same here. Yesterday I tried to to a new listing.  When I set it up for a different shipping method the clock just spun.  Then later found out it changed ALL my listings shipping.  Made a heck of a mess as several orders came through before I realize

COVID-19 Thumbs Down
February 12, 2024
  19:06 PM
eBay wants you sellers to give buyers  FREE SHIPPING!  You know, just like Big Bro Amazon!