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 February 08, 2024
  09:49 AM
Search issue from Oct-Dec '23 is back. TONS of results that do not match what was entered, even when selecting something other than "best match." Yes, it's normal to some extent, but this is 98% or more of results that DON'T match. 0 sales in 3 days.

Reported By: lessthanthreerecords
Are you experiencing this issue?
GovyGirl Verified
February 13, 2024
  12:48 PM
Searching for men's suits and my best match showed tons of girly sexy/raunchy  intimates on Asian girls. I finally had to look for used clothing to get rid of the inappropriate listings. 

downnout Verified
February 12, 2024
  16:50 PM
I was searching for something and the more words I added, the MORE results I got. I had 1500 results when in fact after sifting through, THREE met the search I was looking for, It's ignoring  color, size, etc. Frustrating

COVID-19 Verified
February 08, 2024
  20:19 PM
Uh oh.  Time to sell on Discogs or something.....

Actual Seller Verified
February 12, 2024
  02:51 AM
Selling pretty good and don't know what "search results from xxxx" means so I'm going with no glitch here, just a baseless rant.

volvo351 Verified
February 12, 2024
  11:45 AM
Just had this happen. Clicked on "Price and Shipping Lowest" and it threw tons of crap at me.