Issue: When using "sell similar" & removing all photos, it not only removes the photos themselves, but the entire section, meaning new photos can't be added. Since eBay requires photos, it means the "sell similar" feature can't be used unless keeping photos
By: lessthanthreerecords
Are you experiencing this issue?

Lightning Thumbs Down
April 15, 2024
  02:20 AM
Happens sometimes. Don't use Remove All. Delete the first one, the next will take its place. Without even moving your mouse, keep deleting. Or get real auction management software and dodge the whole eBay listing fiasco. It's your choice.

kc Thumbs Up
April 15, 2024
  08:40 AM
If you click save for later and then go back in and resume listing, the picture boxes return. Good work around until they fix the glitch

Bill Thumbs Down
April 16, 2024
  23:15 PM
I just listed items today and had no problems at all

Paul W Verified
April 18, 2024
  01:32 AM
Add your photos first, then delete the old photos.