Issue: Terapeak search has been down all day on eBay seller page. Normal search and other seller functions seem OK
By: spooky
Are you experiencing this issue?

jag2549 Thumbs Up
April 20, 2024
  15:57 PM
Me too! On firefox and chrome.

COVID-19 Thumbs Down
April 20, 2024
  21:31 PM
No pay 'em?  No peek 'em!

Actual Seller Thumbs Up
April 21, 2024
  20:10 PM
For several days.

spooky Verified
April 22, 2024
  11:04 AM
the Terapeak issue is back to normal this morning. I contacted eBay X to let them know and they confirmed others were experiencing same thing. There was a couple 2023 eBay discussion board threads about same as well. Apparently it happens periodicall