Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon Dec 6 2021 20:48:31

eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

By: Ina Steiner

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A reader noticed that eBay is now displaying how much she sold. Visiting her eBay Store, underneath the number of followers and positive feedback ratio, it says "11K Sold."

"Since when has eBay announced how much the store makes," she asked.

We hadn't been aware eBay was displaying the number sold in eBay Stores, but sure enough, it was displayed on the home page of all the Stores we checked.

One problem with the way eBay displays the information is that it's unclear if it's number of items sold or the dollar value - and it's unclear if it's the last 30 days, last month, year-to-date, or since the beginning of time. The reader who reached out to us said the number matched her dollar sales last month.

"I feel this is an invasion of my financial privacy and no one ever needs to know what a store sells in 30 days or a year, or a day etc. Customers don't care and do not need this information. I will be very interested to hear what explanation eBay has for this one."

You can go to the eBay Store landing page to find examples.

We went digging further and noticed a large seller of eBay-certified refurbished goods showed no number sold on its eBay Store homepage. Nor did the eBay Store for Hanes Brands Outlet (Hanesbrands Inc.) Both stores used customized templates.

But the Google eBay Store did show "179K Sold." (It sells Google products like Nest thermostats.)

There was nothing on the announcement board about this change, and it was odd that no one was talking about it if it just happened today. The reader said, "This is part of the new store format. I was on yesterday and all it showed was my followers and my feedback. Now today, the world gets to know what my store made in 30 days."

Help us clear up the mystery - is this new? And is it displaying the number of items sold (since when?) or the dollar volume (what time period?)? And is there a way for the seller to remove the information?

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Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 6 21:11:54 2021

I just noticed that today too, and I have no clue what it's referencing.  Mine says "13K Sold".  That's considerably more than I've made in the last month in dollars, but considerably less than I've made in the past year.  It's tough to believe I've sold that many items... but maybe I have, since I started selling years ago?  I don't know, I don't think it's that high even counting from day one.

Then again, just today, I saw a fee breakdown on eBay that said, "$13.84 x 100% = $4.85", so maybe math isn't their strong suit?

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Disgruntled_Seller This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 6 21:47:15 2021

Just what states and other concerns need to "easily" gather data for sales and such. Not that they can't get it anyway, but now it is right there on the billboard. Morons trying to justify their cubical space!

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Disgruntled_Seller This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 6 21:52:31 2021

Oh, and while you are at it eBay, just post my Social Security and FEI number too along with my bank account and routing number.  

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Bob V2 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 6 23:38:31 2021

The number it gives for me is very close to the total number of items I've sold since I started on eBay.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Smallseller This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 00:01:29 2021

It happened to me too. Why?? It is nobody's business. I am not a better or worse seller based on the number of items or $ amount that I sold. I am not less trustworthy. Maybe I sell fewer items, but I sell at a higher price point.  

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Buster This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 00:28:43 2021

I agree it's the number of items sold since ithe beginning

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Tue Dec 7 03:50:19 2021

Wait a minute! Does Amazon do this? If it does, you can bet eBay merely copied the idea.

Come on, people. You know the rule by now: What Big Bro Amazon does, little bro eBay will follow.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: UB This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 06:04:41 2021

It is the total number of transactions in your store since Day 1 of selling.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: little monkey This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 06:37:38 2021

the number shown in my store is roughly the number of items i have sold since i opened my eBay store

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 09:09:36 2021

You can’t have a customers email or phone number, but eBay can DOX you for all the world to see…..

Another eBay mafioso criminal act.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: kevindsm This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 09:20:26 2021

Not sure why eBay felt the world needed to know how many or how much a store sold.  It reminds me of the old McDonalds signs showing x number have been served.  eBay needs to rollback this change.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Weirdbooks This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 10:38:08 2021

I don't think the number is everything sold on your store.  It is everything sold starting on some unknown arbitrary date that eBay chose.  I have sold over 1500 items in the last 12 months, but this store name has been selling since Sep, 2000.   I'm pretty sure I've sold over 7K items in 21+ years.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 11:33:47 2021

Another unannounced and unclear busywork whitewashing of window trim.  

Another meaningless ‘metric’ with at best, questionable accuracy.

Another day on the bay…

Seems that if they want to post baseball-card back stats, they could flesh it out a bit though.  Sell-thru?  Returns?  Unpaids?  INRs?  Number of coerced claim capitulations?  Most ‘geographically’ serviced?  How ‘bout by ‘type’ - auction, BIN, offer, outright theft?  

Maybe all that’s even TMI for eBay’s transparency tolerance.  

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: glassjunkie This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 12:15:09 2021

This is definitely not dollar amount. It's items sold. What timeframe this pertains to, I have no idea...but I can with 100% certainly tell you it's not dollars. If it is, they have some serious accounting problems on their hands.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: DTSM This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 12:45:52 2021

Not that I like this unannounced change, but buyers have always had the ability to see your sold items through search by selecting 'Completed Items'.  It's not an invasion of privacy. It is eBay's house and they can show what your activity level is which I believe is their intent. eBay should make it clear what the number is though. They can fix the problem by adding the words 'Lifetime Items Sold' next to the number so buyers do not think this is a dollar amount.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Tue Dec 7 12:59:30 2021

For those who were fretting about the easy eBay made it for them to see what you've sold.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's anyone?   Always a good idea to pay taxes on what you earn.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: I Must be Crazy This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 13:01:26 2021

It looks to be the count of total items sold from day one.

Somebody somewhere at eBay must think this means something? There better be a good reason because someone spent a lot of time placing that figure there. I know for a fact there are other more pressing programming issues that could be addressed.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Dec 7 13:07:25 2021

Sure “they can do what they want”, but should they?

Should they unannounced ?

Did your partner ask/tell you beforehand?

I guess sellers should put a number or so about eBay in each listing …. How much in dollars eBay has stolen from you? How many eBay execs went to jail this year? How many (fake) Vero interactions you have had?

More useless trash from the morons in San Jose

PSSST idiot eBay people - it’s Xmas time - concentrate on SALES, not garbage like this!

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

This user has validated their user name. by: Ric

Tue Dec 7 21:39:37 2021

If sellers allow this to continue with our making loud and serious objections, the next thing they will add is a count of how many items the store has taken in returns..How many cancellations, etc....

Every time I read something like this about eBay, it makes me happy I stopped both buying and selling on this train wreck of a site.

Perminate Link for eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store   eBay Displays Amount Seller Sold in Their eBay Store

This user has validated their user name. by: Mighty Mouse

Wed Dec 8 12:54:06 2021

Our store page is now showing "items sold" and not just "sold" after the K amount.  What a big difference a missing word makes.  LOL

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