Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed July 5 2023 20:29:53

eBay Sellers Brace for USPS Change to Ground Advantage

By: Ina Steiner

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While USPS is trying to make the transition to its new Ground Advantage service easy for shippers and shipping-software vendors when it rolls out on July 9, there is some work for sellers to do - including eBay sellers.

There has been some confusion over eBay's directions to sellers about the changes they'd have to make to their listings, including how it would impact listings with Parcel Select as an option.

Sellers found it confusing that listings with Parcel Select Ground would automatically be updated to reflect USPS Ground Advantage as the shipping service; but listings with First Class Package would have to be updated to USPS Ground Advantage, with sellers having 30 days to do so beginning July 9th.

This thread on the eBay discussion boards shows the questions sellers had about how things would change when the USPS transition rolls out on July 9th.

"To provide clarity, all listings with First Class Packaging will need to be manually updated by the seller, however bulk editing is a great option for that! Any listings with Parcel Select Ground; even when combined with another shipping service, will be automatically updated by our system. Hope this helps!"

Note that eBay also said sellers would have to update their business policies.

eBay published FAQs around the USPS Ground Advantage transition on this landing page, and the transition to USPS Ground Advantage was also discussed on the eBay for Business podcast published on July 4th.

As we previously reported, the USPS said it would continue to accept, process, and deliver First Class Package Service and Parcel Select Ground packages after July 9th without penalty or assessment through September 30, 2023.

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Perminate Link for eBay Sellers Brace for USPS Change to Ground Advantage   eBay Sellers Brace for USPS Change to Ground Advantage

by: LJW This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 00:27:07 2023

So the problem with updating policies is that any item that is affected by the the policy will not update if there is an offer active on it. So what's going to happen is that every policy will get a copy until all the offers are timed out. I've done it before and it's a PiTA.  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 02:26:09 2023

There really shouldn't be a bunch of big problems.  USPS is giving a grace period for the changeover like they usually do.  It is 30+ days.  It should all work out.  It is just something new we all have to get use to.  Just another change.

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by: Marty2020 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 05:34:29 2023

Thanks for the update!

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 06:32:59 2023

Why make it harder than it is. Just go with the flow. Your going to pay either way. Not worth the crying over.

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by: Nothingnewecrater This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 09:32:49 2023

So they are doing away with first class mail? Rewording it and charging more money to ship the same thing? I don't understand what's going on?

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by: Nothingnewecrater This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 09:46:41 2023

I only use shipping calculator for large heavy things. Is there a price chart for basic advantage shipping so I can add $3.00 to that price for shipping? Anyone?

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Thu Jul 6 11:47:32 2023


Here is the price chart I'm using:
need to scroll down a bit to reach Ground Advantage Commercial.

Now the question I have, for which I haven't been able to find an answer: USPS states there is $100 insurance covering Ground Advantage. Is that for amounts from $1 to $100? Because I ship a lot of items in the $50 to $80 range and have to add insurance to the base postage cost. Or does the $100 insurance only cover the retail rates, and not commercial base?  

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 12:10:38 2023

@ jack - I checked the chart and SHEESH it looks like (what used to be First Class Parcel)  rates are actually GOING DOWN !!!

As are the rates for at least the first couple of pounds of ''Parcel post'' once the package is 16 ounces or over. I didn't take time to check out the entire chart.

Treading carefully, I would ''assUme'' that $100 in insurance would work the same as currently used for Priority Mail -- you get up to $100 insurance regardless of the value of the item.  If it's less than $100 you would get the actual value. If the item is over $100 in value, you get only $100 tops, regardless of the value (if you want additional coverage you would have to pay additional for it).   But this is just a ''guess/assuming..''  

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 12:23:26 2023

@Nothingnewecrater - they are doing away with First Class PARCEL, not letter mail. And from the chart in Jack's post it looks like prices will DECREASE.

I think one of the big questions, since we have to change our First Class Parcel listings in eBay ourselves, is whether eBay will wait to make changes affecting First Class through the full grace period that USPS is providing?  With that much lead time, hopefully all the First Class Parcel listings affected by offers and other things should be ended/finished/over with. eBay should leave current First Class Parcel and related software alone (offers, etc.), while working on bugs sellers are going to encounter as we change over to the new program.  

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 13:01:07 2023

@jack - again another "assume" : USPS' Priority Mail insurance that's automatically included at present covers the item's value plus postage cost.  But from my last experience, USPS paid my item value and additionally reimbursed what I paid for postage (full retail rate). To be fair, I would hope to get back the amount I paid for postage, regardless of whether it was commercial or retail.  

It sounds like "Ground Advantage" will be used for both retail and commercial customers, so what you pay for postage is, in all fairness, what you should get back.    

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by: Allen1853 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 13:45:11 2023

99% of my listings are Free Shipping, the few that are not add a couple of dollars, nothing "calculated". My shipping option for everything is the ubiquitous non specific "Economy Shipping". This gives a window of up to 10 days for expected delivery in case USPS or others drag their feet through no fault of mine. When I print labels I usually select First Class Package or Priority if weight is over 16 ounces. First Class Package does not now come with any insurance. The new Ground Advantage will now apparently be good for packages over 16 ounces AND it will come with up to $100 in insurance. I hate to applaud USPS and PM DeSade but this looks like a win win, for me. Too soon to be sure.....

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 15:21:56 2023


"So they are doing away with first class mail?"

NO, FC mail will still exist, they are changing FC Package to Ground Advantage.

"Rewording it and charging more money to ship the same thing?"

NO, there is no price increase on FCP up to one pound.  But there is an increase to Media Mail.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Thu Jul 6 15:24:27 2023


The prices for FCP is NOT decreasing.  At least not for a pound or less.  It is exactly the same as it is now.  For higher weights I'm not sure.  I don't ship via that method.

And Media Mail prices are going UP.

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Fri Jul 7 00:02:59 2023

Oh good. Better to avoid USPS anyways. They like to make your packages stuck at their "distribution centers" where these packages then eventually disappear (aka Employee Theft).

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by: ThebigR This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 7 03:38:04 2023

I have a 5 oz. first class package its $4.45 shipping if I revise the listing and select advantage for the 5 oz. package it shows $7.75..... Yeappers no price increase there......  

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Fri Jul 7 10:26:09 2023

60% of the items I ship are under 1 pound

I use a lot of bubble mailers and small boxes.

This should be interesting (eye roll)

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Fri Jul 7 13:48:52 2023

I buy my postage from Endicia, so I sent an email to their Customer Support regarding how the $100 insurance worked on the Ground Advantage regarding a package that went missing. I was advised that if an item was lost in the mail, I would seek reimbursement from USPS since they are the entity offering the coverage.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 7 15:38:35 2023


"I have a 5 oz. first class package its $4.45 shipping if I revise the listing and select advantage for the 5 oz. package it shows $7.75..... Yeappers no price increase there......  "

An Ebay mistake isn't equal to USPS raising rates.  5 Oz Ground Advantage to the most expensive zone is 4.44.  IDK how or why you were only seeing $7.75.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jul 7 17:34:53 2023

@Marie, you are correct - I looked again at the chart (I posted a link) and somehow I mistook figures.  Under 16 oz packages are all the same as now.  From 16 oz through 2 pounds there is a slight increase, but over 2 pounds through 70 pounds the price decreases slightly.
bothers me most about this change is wondering about those of us who are getting commercial rates from eBay, etc. (I'm using Pirate Ship now.)  

I have been offering regular First Class Parcel shipping, so buyers pay the retail First Class price, but since I enjoy the lower commercial rate, I use the little bit of difference (profit) there to help offset the cost of my shipping supplies (and do not charge any packing or handling fees).  With FCP going into Ground Advantage, I am guessing I will lose that little bit of profit -? (Did I explain that clearly.......)

eBay is already giving ParcelSelect buyers the same commercial discount rate as I can get buying labels. I don't mean to scam buyers, but those few cents I lose because buyers are getting the same discounted commercial postage charge as I am, do help me pay for supplies. Will ebay handle GroundAdvantage rates the same way as they are currently doing with ParcelSelect -- ?  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jul 8 15:31:21 2023

I was able to change my listings to GA yesterday.  My listings today seem to be fine and read as they should.

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