Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Nov 1 2023 10:29:24

Sellers Report eBay Feedback Is 'Messed Up'

By: Ina Steiner

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A seller reported on Ecommerce EKG that eBay feedback is "messed up, and threads on the eBay discussion board shows that seller is not alone in experiencing issues, which began on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Rstpete reported: "Ebay feedback is messed up. Does not show any feedback comments received for the past several weeks (starts with past 6 months) and shows I have not left ANY feedback for buyers. Can not tell if auto FB is being posted for buyers."

seller on the eBay boards wrote, "As of last night the order of Feedback listed as a Seller or Buyer is now Random at best. The most recent feedback is nearly impossible to find and reply to."

Users there reported another thread on the eBay boards where the problem had been reported:

"It looks like eBay is making changes to the feedback page. There are now drop-down options to show various types of feedback," one seller commented.

Other comments included:

"I'm experiencing the same issue. Always messing with things that are just fine, never addressing ongoing issues......."

"Lots of things changing today it appears. Why mess the system up at the start of Holiday shopping season ?"

"Same thing is happening to me (confounded_face). If they're going to roll out changes that will break things we need to function as sellers wouldn't it be nice if they let us know when things are going to be wonky? It's like having your mechanic change the windshield wipers while you're trying to drive in the rain."

As Rstpete and other eBay sellers reported, not only are the feedback that buyers left sellers out of order, it also shows that sellers have not left buyers any feedback.

It isn't just a design issue - shoppers are heavily influenced by how previous buyers have described their experiences with a seller.

As of Wednesday morning there was no update on the eBay Technical Issues board, and no indication of any issues on the eBay System Announcement board.

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Perminate Link for Sellers Report eBay Feedback Is 'Messed Up'   Sellers Report eBay Feedback Is 'Messed Up'

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Wed Nov 1 12:21:16 2023

Yep, it only shows feedback from 6 months ago.
But if you click on the "1 month" you'll see the most recent feedback.

It's just a "glitch" lol

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 13:22:37 2023

“ But if you click on the "1 month" you'll see the most recent feedback.”

Question is though, (for eBay) why should that even be necessary?  Buyers only have so many ‘clicks’ until their tolerance for wasting time to reload what they already HAD visible before this monkey wrenched job justification.

“ “ It's like having your mechanic change the windshield wipers while you're trying to drive in the rain." “

Yes!  And when they go ‘ta dah!” you see they’re each on the wrong wiper arm.  

Perminate Link for Sellers Report eBay Feedback Is 'Messed Up'   Sellers Report eBay Feedback Is 'Messed Up'

by: gimac This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 14:43:51 2023

Thier usual reply will be "We are aware and our team is working on it".

Why can't you see the feedback that buyers have left for others ? Its an important feature for sellers to know if a buyer is leaving negative feedbacks for fun.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 15:45:39 2023

Smart people don't bother with feedback as they realize it is a scam as all the losers, thieves, liars and deadbeats all have 100% postive feedback.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 15:59:07 2023

We need feedback ON ebay itself!

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 16:03:43 2023

The self proclaimed greatest tech company fails again.

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 16:08:40 2023

Yep, Ebay broke it. They won't admit to it but they broke it. It has been over 24 hrs. also.Very, very few online sites have problems like this, just the "experts" at Ebay manage to pull this off everyday. If a site does have a problem, it's fixed quickly and they own up to it - not Ebay. All in all, though, Ebay's site is working just about the same as Walmart's - I wonder why?

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 18:23:48 2023

Looks like Ebay fixed the feedback problem. Now, if they can fix the other 1.4 million other problems on the site, we'll be good to go!

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 18:27:41 2023

Oops!, my mistake. Ebay fixed it and five minutes latter they broke it again. Maybe we should start a pool on how long it will be before Ebay breaks & how long it takes Ebay to fix it. Ebay, what a company!

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by: CT Bay This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 18:36:31 2023

They switched to default of “most relevant” instead of “most recent.” Its not a glitch, its just more stupidity from the stupids. They displayed a negative from 8 months ago at the top on mine. How is that “most relevant?” Seems to me most recent would be most relevant. Where did this crazy redefinition of relevance come from? Another solution in search of a problem.

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by: Alfacar This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 20:04:19 2023

It’s made to be relevant to Ebay. They need to advertise and feature sellers that pay them more in ad fees. They following google and i hope that DOJ will follow them on advertsising schemes.

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by: mjr55 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Nov 1 20:42:55 2023

I am pretty sure they fixed the no feedback showing when you check feedback left for others.

However, for actual seller feedback still is glitching at times. Last night it was always going to feedback more than 6 months ago. At least today, you can get it display normally if you press refresh once or twice....but if you do it again, it switches back to more than 6 months ago.

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Thu Nov 2 00:28:12 2023

Uh.....nobody cares about eBay feedback anymore. They are meaningless because even the scummiest of scum "buyers" (i.e. outright scammers) can only get Positive Feedback.

Let it go, lil' homies. Let it go.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ihatethebay

Thu Nov 2 00:29:32 2023

I can't help but snicker to myself, knowing that hundreds of thousands (millions??) of new sellers on evilbay are complaining about the messed-up feedback on sleazebay, not knowing that greedbay messed up the feedback ten years ago when they eliminated the ability of sellers to leave negative or neutral feedback for even the worst of the worst buyers from hell.....

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 2 01:53:23 2023

It was a short lived problem.  It appears to be all fixed now.

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by: Mark4 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 2 07:42:26 2023

Feedback on ebay is irrelevant and out dated, everyone knows the big sellers get their feedback "cleaned up" on the daily from ebay. Also the 90's called, they want their ebay feedback back.  

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by: Jim Y This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 2 11:57:27 2023

I woke up this morning thinking how I can circumvent the new ebay issue of wierd feedback.  No way to leave feedback for new left feedback; showing a bad positive feedback first, etc.  It looked confusing and stupid.  I was going to call ebay, but when I checked it this morning, it was back to normal.  I guess I can't blame the messy feedback issue on my poor sales, so back to the drawing board...LOL.

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by: notfunanymore This user has validated their user name.

Thu Nov 2 14:17:38 2023

my monthly visit to see how glitch-bay is doing and remind myself how liberating it is not to be a part of the mess they created  

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