Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Fri Nov 25 2022 22:42:38

Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand

By: Ina Steiner

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What if you could "hijack" a successful online store brand with little more than a hyphen? That's what one longtime reader said is happening to him.

His store name consists of two words, and his website domain name is the company name with no spaces. It came to his attention today that someone had obtained the same domain name except they added a hyphen between the two words. He said they're using his logo and selling identical items on the site - only they aren't fulfilling the goods - it's a scam, he said.

He discovered the existence of the copycat site when victims started reaching out to him. They purchased items from the site that used the domain name with the hyphen, then reached out to him when things went south. 

The impersonator is taking orders for merchandise from consumers and shipping nothing. The victims have shown the real merchant proof that the impersonating website successfully charged their credit cards.

The merchant also found a colleague in the same industry who reported the same problem - only the impersonator put the word "new" in front of that second merchant's name when creating the copycat website.

We checked the WhoIs database and found the domain names had been registered by two different entities in two different provinces of China. 

The two "real" stores are authorized distributors of some stellar brands in their industry. The reader who reported the problem to us contacted his lawyer (so presumably this will result in legal costs for the merchant) and is getting calls from victims.

The story is unfolding, and we have many questions - but ten hours after we received the first email from the seller, the impersonating website is still up. 

It doesn't help these merchants that they're discovering the fraud on a Friday of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. We'll be following this story and will let you know any lessons these merchants learn along the way.

Update 11/26/2022: Signifyd Director of Risk Intelligence Michael Pezely got back to us this morning with some advice for merchants who find themselves facing this dilemma, you can find it here: What to Do When a Scammer Copies Your Online Store

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Perminate Link for Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand   Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand

This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sat Nov 26 18:50:01 2022

I found one of those sites.
FireFox has a link to report the site.
In a while it will disappear.

Perminate Link for Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand   Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand

by: Volvo351 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Nov 27 09:14:21 2022

What? Dirtbags in CHINA running scams? Well, knock me over with a feather!

Perminate Link for Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand   Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand

by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Mon Nov 28 00:48:40 2022

A seller has no defense against this kind of fraud. It is up to Google, and the other browsers to take the site down. I doubt there is any kind of law enforcement that extends to Asia or other countries when this happens. Since there are millions of crooks out there, the possibility for frauds is infinite, and a seller may have to shut down their domain.  

Perminate Link for Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand   Armed with a Hyphen, Pirate Hijacks Merchant's Store Brand

by: flybuy This user has validated their user name.

Mon Nov 28 10:09:46 2022

I would be furious. The real sellers spend years building up their brand and online reputation.

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by: Disgruntled_Seller This user has validated their user name.

Mon Nov 28 10:22:46 2022

Well, there is sort of a defense. Web site owners that think forward a bit will also grab up multiple  domains similar to theirs with hypens, the various domain extensions, plural names vs singular names, etc when they setup their primary domain in order to stop the opportunity for some one to do this. We probably have 20-30 different versions of the domain registered for each primary domain we operate. Also, if you create a trademark or brand, you need to also create at least a .com domain at the same time as you apply for the trademark, or else a domain holding company will do it and your choice then is to buy it from the domain holding company.  

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by: NYSteve This user has validated their user name.

Mon Nov 28 12:28:51 2022

interesting, but part of the 'its not my job' oversight...

ive seen that in my small little town i live in with 'dba/fictitious names'
being co-opted with as little as an 's' after the original owner's name,'
or a 'the' before it

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