Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed May 24 2023 22:50:39

eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay added a new icon in the listing flow on mobile apps, but a seller who clicked on the icon to see what it did discovered it replaced her entire product description with different text - and she had no way to recover her original description.

It turns out eBay unleashed generative AI (artificial intelligence) on its mobile apps, but did so without informing sellers and without labeling the icon.

"A weird thing that happened today," the reader told us. "I was writing an eBay description, had it just the way I wanted it, when I noticed a little icon and clicked it just to see what it does. It rewrote my entire description based only on the title and item specifics in some weird, seemingly AI-generated text."

What was most concerning - "There is no undo button and so I lost everything: the condition description, the details about the decoration, the likely maker, which I did not put in the title or item details because it's just a guess, & more. It didn't even get the measurements right!"

In this case, the seller had entered a description *then* clicked the icon, but the premise of the tool is that it can provide a description based on the least amount of effort on the seller's part. 

eBay CEO Jamie Iannone gave Wall Street analysts a heads up it was working on the new capability in early May. As we reported at the time, the CEO said eBay was in the process of integrating the ChatGPT API into the core listing flow. 

Iannone explained sellers would soon be able to pre-populate categories and item specifics from a single photo, "enabling them to spend less of their time inputting inventory and more on growing and managing their businesses."

eBay promised long ago it would not introduce features or policies without giving sellers advance warning but has not been sticking to that commitment; it has yet to announce a Spring Seller Update where news of the AI feature might have expected to have be announced. (See second update below.)

The seller who found out about the feature the hard way today told us, "I'm not sure if this is eBay or my phone, but people need to know they click that button at their own risk!! I could find no info online about this phenomenon."

Update 5/25/2023: Sharing an image below of the eBay AI icon on the eBay mobile app (image generously provided by the seller).

Update 5/28/2023: We noticed today that while eBay didn't inform sellers about the (unlabeled) AI icon that suddenly appeared last week, eBay did mention it would be testing AI features. It was buried in a post on the Seller Announcement Board by the head of eBay US Adam Ireland about eBay's first-quarter earnings published 3 weeks prior to the icon appearing:

"Many of us have heard of Generative AI, like Chat GPT, which is certainly a hot topic in the news. We're currently in the process of creating a plug-in that will allow you to auto-generate item descriptions based on content already available across the web. And soon we'll roll out tests for sellers to pre-populate categories and item specifics from a single photo - so you spend less time creating listings and more on growing and managing your business."

The post was titled, "eBay's Quarterly Business Results," with no indication it included news about new future testing of an experimental technology. Make of that what you will, but it seems pretty clear AI testing will continue.

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Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Wed May 24 23:14:49 2023

Too late Jamie, you can't run a proper organic search engine, you already lost the game, your 4 promoted listings programs do so well eBay has lost 30-40% of your customer base.  AI is not going to save eBay, Devin Wenig was talking about Augmented Reality 5 years ago and Blockchain.  What good did any of that do for eBay, the Real Reality is eBay is a massive failure and sold out their own sellers.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Alfacar This user has validated their user name.

Wed May 24 23:25:28 2023

Why do you need less time to list if you get no views and sales and are stuck with inventory?

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: BatmanOfOz This user has validated their user name.

Wed May 24 23:34:34 2023

Skynet wins again!  :)

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 00:25:12 2023

"Why do you need less time to list if you get no views and sales and are stuck with inventory?"

The truth can become belly laugh material; in eBay's case the truth is a comedy sitcom that never ends.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Thu May 25 05:09:09 2023

This sounds very juicy! I can already foresee problems as more sellers use this magic button. Once this A.I. [bleep] gets adopted mainstream, check back here with me so I can gloat "I told you so! Hahahahah!"

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu May 25 08:26:11 2023

How smart is eBay's "AI"?

Well, I've been on the site for over 25 years.

I always look at things in List view yet eBay keeps showing me stuff in Gallery view.

If it were really smart it would NEVER show me gallery view ever again, yet it seems to do so just to piss me off!

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 09:48:41 2023

I don't understand how this can even potentially save time.  Writing a description doesn't take all that long, and once it's done, it has everything I want to convey to the buyer.  Alright, so clicking a button and inserting an AI-generated description is quicker.  But, then you need to proofread it, add details it left out, remove/correct errors, etc.  I fail to see how this process will take LESS time!

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 10:22:13 2023

Everyone who is surprised by this PLEASE RAISE YOUR HANDS.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 10:29:42 2023

"I don't understand how this can even potentially save time"

This is for Wall Street so this dud of a CEO who has continuously lost sales since the day he was hired can make the false claim that he is improving the marketplace.  Jamie also knows sellers have pulled billions of dollar's worth of inventory because he is not showing the inventory in his pay per click search, he thinks if computers do the listing with AI that this lost inventory will magically reapperar on eBay's ghost town.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu May 25 10:32:31 2023

@Goo Goo

Can I just call you Jed?

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: I Must be Crazy This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 12:18:12 2023

One more reason to list from a computer, not the mobile app. The mobile app from eBay is garbage.

They need to stick to facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.  Forget about AI, or pay an entity that is capable billions to design and build it.  The programmers at eBay have their hands full keeping 90's era technology up and running on a consistent basis.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 12:23:46 2023

I Must be Crazy, the code base is spaghetti code, all this talk about technology from eBay CEO's Wenig and Jamie are buzz words to fool investors, the smoke and mirrors show will not keep the Titanic above water, they are too far gone, AI, Blockchain and Wenig's BS about Augmented Reality shows how far these guys are detached from real reality.  They even have new competition from a company that sounds like their BS (TheREALREAL), so much competition they may as well take the company private or close it down.   Why do you think eBay's venture arm is investing money in start ups, because they know for a fact eBay itself is finished.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu May 25 12:39:15 2023


You have major competition. . .ROTFLMAO

eBay's finished, going bankrupt, won't be around long.

"Haven't you read the eBay forums?" lol

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 12:51:11 2023

Face Facts Tool, your Boy Jamie Walmart is as fired as Devin Wenig was, so is the smoke and mirrors book cooker CFO Steve the Wall Street Priest, now that is a pathological liar of fine vintage for sure.  These jokers have done nothing since they got their jobs other than blow smoke and lose massive amounts of sales, sellers and billions of dollars in inventory.  eBay is done man, face reality, Jamie Walmart will soon when they give him 50 million dollars just to remove him from eBay HQ., that is how bad this guy is.  The incompetent Board of Directors needs dissolved for hiring 3 incompetent CEO's in a row.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Thu May 25 13:18:15 2023

@Goo Goo

I could care less who eBay has as a CEO, I'm a small fish in a large pond.

As long as I can find what I want to buy I'm good, as long as buyers can find what I have for sale I'm good.

Who cares about the Board of Directors? I don't

You're barking up the wrong tree, most everyone here buys or sells on eBay, there's no investors here! (OK, there might be 1 or 2)

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 13:44:29 2023


Im the LEADER of the group (sellers against eBay?) (you can pick the name)!

Its why I was always wondering why Devin Wenig sent people to attack the Steiners instead of me. The Steiners were ANGELS compared to me (they were almost saints). They never said one bad word - it was usually me and my merry band of angry sellers!

The AI nightmare that the OP encountered is a LEGAL issue as well.

Sellers know that they are responsible for the words in the listing. The item details of a listing and the pic can say one thing - Blue Blouse Size 6 - but if the body of the listing says RED - you can and will get a SNAD - and eBay will be more then happy to hand it out to you.

How can a seller control what eBays crackpot AI does?

As for eBay - they arent going out of business - they are an institutional "safe" stock and eBay has too much (seller) free cash on hand.

Sure they will never grow beyond $45 a share - but does anyone really care?


WS doesnt care, Griff & Jaime dont care (they make $$$$$) - so things will continue as always!

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 14:15:51 2023

First mistake is eBay programming their AI under the premise it is (or even could be) even one part of an IQ point ‘smarter’ than even the most ‘intellectually challenged’ among us.

Because even a moron (lacking some ulterior agenda of course) would take a beat to assimilate the fact that all the data fields ‘it’ wanted to ‘help with’ were ALREADY populated by a human mind in the example cited.  At the very least, it could learn from it and use that as a means to get ‘smarter’ about what is most appropriate under predictable (but never identically detailed) circumstance.  

But no.  eBay arrogance and hubris still rule.  And YOU don’t matter a bit.  At least THAT should come as no ‘surprise!’.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 14:32:55 2023

Jamie Walmart will automatically make your listings, just enter the UPC Code, then he will pack the order using Augmented Reality, have the carrier pick it up, using software you will automatically get feedback, eBay will text the customer and ask if they want to return within 30 days, if not eBay Payments will one day pay you, then in 6 months when a chargeback hits your account and they remove the money from your linked back account you will have NSF fees hit your negative balance and you will certainly be out of business for good and your credit will be ruined for 7 years.  This is the abomination you will be dealing with when you sell on eBay.

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: compwaco This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 14:39:32 2023

I'm sorry if this comes off as being sarcastic but it is not new, just being extended to more categories. For over many years now eBay has forced "pre-filled information" on sellers of CD's and DVD's. We are required to put in UPC's (if you are caught not using upc's available in the catalogue you are subject to suspension) and that connects their info to the listing. (While we can check a box to not include it parts will always be included, including their disclaimer that the seller is responsible for the content of eBay's added incorrect info that is forced on us) We have been complaining about incorrect song titles, incorrect numbers of discs in sets, incorrect images and other misc. errors for over 10 years. The most frustrating part being even if a message is sent trying to correct their errors, I have never seen them care enough to fix them.  

Perminate Link for eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning   eBay Sets AI Loose on Sellers with No Warning

by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 25 15:07:10 2023

There are better places to sell versus eBay, the best is the local swap meet or flea markets, Amazon is a hell hole just like eBay, they hide listings same as eBay, no way to 'grow a business' on either platform, look for alternatives to both sellers.

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