Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Mon May 6 2024 23:44:28

eBay Tries to Fix a Canceled Order Problem of Its Own Making

By: Ina Steiner

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A seller encountered a never-before-seen issue that appears to be an attempt by eBay to avert cancellations requested by buyers who find the same item they just purchased at a lower price. Others responding to the seller's thread believe it may be a new feature eBay is testing.

The seller said that immediately after paying, the buyer requested a cancellation. When the seller opened the eBay app to proceed with the cancellation, they encountered a pop-up window.

"The pop-up says that the buyer was shown a better deal and that the buyer wanted to cancel because they "found a better price,"" the seller explained. The seller was given two options: either cancel the sale, or refund the buyer the difference and continue with the sale.

The seller chose "agree to new terms of sale," and eBay automatically refunded the buyer a portion of the sale. The seller supplied a screenshot on the eBay discussion board post.

But sellers have long complained that eBay's practice of displaying cheaper items to buyers in checkout leads to cancellations over price. And as sellers in the thread pointed out, it is rarely an apples-to-apples comparison. It would make far more sense to show a buyer items that are complementary to the item they've just purchased rather than feeding into buyer's remorse the purchaser may be experiencing.

If this is indeed a new feature eBay is rolling out, some sellers might welcome it as an opportunity to hold on to a sale rather than deal with a cancellation, even if it's not the full price they had expected. For others, it would be a dealbreaker - some sellers said they would choose to not only cancel the order, but would block the buyer from purchasing from them again.

Let us know if you've seen this feature as a buyer or a seller.

Update 5/7/2024: The original poster said the order they rescued from being cancelled would not import into their shipping software: "I believe the shipping software sees the item as being cancelled or refunded, so it will not import.  I need to manually import this sale to the shipping software and then manually scan the tracking details into eBay."

An eBay moderator responded to the thread today as follows: "We have reached out to a few teams to see what info we can get on this, and share this thread with them as well so they can see the feedback everyone has provided so far."

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Perminate Link for eBay Tries to Fix a Canceled Order Problem of Its Own Making   eBay Tries to Fix a Canceled Order Problem of Its Own Making

by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 9 02:00:16 2024

This is likely OK for large or mega sellers, but that isn't the majority of sellers on Ebay.  In my eyes this is Ebay sabotaging the average seller.  The vast majority of active sellers on Ebay are small and casual sellers.  Yet Ebay continues down this path of trying to make us compete with things big box stores and large sellers do.

Contrary to Ebay's believe, the average seller simply can't keep taking on these costs of doing business lame ideas.  For years we have complained about them showing buyers right on our own listings, other places the buyer can purchase the same or similar products.  We have no way of knowing how much money that has costs sellers that pulled the buyer in originally with their listing.

I've been chasing this subject for a few days now trying to learn as much as I can about it.  IMHO this is a horribly insulting feature / tool to most of Ebay's sellers.

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by: CBW This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 9 02:43:23 2024

This is Ebay's attempt to fix a problem they caused. It won't work. Just accept cancellations and give them no further thought.  

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by: ScottLBrown This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 9 09:42:41 2024

First, let me say that when I've seen customers cancelling orders for the reason of better price, they've already placed the new order......  Knowing all well they have an hour to cancel the order.  ( or effectively until the seller posts tracking ).
Therefore, this is not a good idea on many levels.  Now you've effectively taken away an order from a seller the CUSTOMER chose to order from.
What if the CUSTOMER decided to order on Amazon or ETSY?

And I'm not even thinkin about the possibility of eBay antics or abuse.

Can you imagine this happening on Amazon?   5 sellers on a single ASIN.  I can click the buy box without checking pricing... and we all know the BuyBox is not always the lowest price....  Or maybe I choose a seller that is a bit higher priced because I recognize his Store Name/Brand Recognition and feel more comfortable based on previous experiences.  The prices are not that far off, generally.

Or maybe I find another seller on Amazon and make a purchase... then notify Amazon to cancel the order.  

Would they then notice my new purchase and ask the original seller to lower his price to match a competitor on a completely different ASIN?

OMG-  the issues are mind boggling.
Ebay has tried and failed with their EPID system to create unified listings based on UPC.  They still have sellers with poor titles, no attributes (item specifics), no long description and bad return policies. and no recognized store name.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Bidonmine

Thu May 9 10:11:41 2024

I have had several cancelation requests in the last few years. I accept and cancel and then block the buyer. Future problem eliminated.  

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 9 13:45:54 2024

“ Selling or trying to sell OTHER items makes some kind of sense, cheaper versions of the same item? NO.”

“ Ebay has tried and failed with their EPID system to create unified listings based on UPC.”

That’s the other part of this rotten root.

First, consider how buyers could always (and often did) try to ‘negotiate’ after a sale, or use the ‘system’ to seek a cheapest choice (why didn’t they search that way to begin with - and if they did, why did they settle on THIS seller despite the results?).   And they’ve been dangling the ‘regret’ carrots out to the buyers for a while too.  And those ‘desperate’, or not sellers could always agree, or ‘not’ - to varying degrees.

So basically all eBay has done is ‘automate’ the practice to make it more ‘convenient’.  Question to ask is why those skinflints spent money doing that.  And of course, why don’t they realize how much ‘attribute compatibility’ must be considered to even make the ‘idea’ make sense, much less it’s execution - and fallout.

Meanwhile, since the days of the great disruption, they’ve certainly ‘invested’ in trying to chase the mass produced low margin homogenized retail market.  With a myopic mania.  At the expense and decimation of those whose volume (for competitive items), or otherwise established and proven business models, market demographics, and diversity of inventory in similar categories did not ‘best match’.

Problem is - and any Gardner can tell you this - their ‘organics’ were too diverse to support a healthy ‘engineered’ arrangement of one kind of crop.  Not without ripping out acres of perfectly healthy, albeit of varying yield and ‘size’, of those already growing.  And THEN planting their ‘seeds’ and HOPING they’d grow to Wall heights.  Meanwhile, neglecting the nutrients needed, and trying to prune those original and more stubborn who remain this day (they call it adaptable), so they ‘conform’ to the crops they want to harvest.

But they just don’t have enough experience in the ‘field’ to know it doesn’t work that way.  Either that, or an unfounded arrogant hubris.  

Apples to apples.  Oranges to oranges.  Can’t grow the latter in the Northlands without some extra TLC and something to protect them from an environment the former is already somewhat adapted to.

As for the ‘wisdom’ of this scheme?  Well, it’s eBay.  How’s it all been workin’ out so far?

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Thu May 9 16:38:44 2024


You are comparing apples to oranges.  Amazon does not have a listing structure that Ebay has.  It is vastly different to sell on Amazon than Ebay.  

IMHO this is a terrible move by Ebay.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri May 10 10:29:44 2024

The real question is - is showing a buyer AFTER a completed sale and letting them back out - restraint of free trade?

If they DIDNT make the purchase - thats one thing. Its unethical and slimy - but its eBay - so they dont care.

Imagine going to that same mall (the one we always talk about aka a REAL world situation) and going into Macys to buy an item. After you check out, while you are still in the store, a Kholes employee comes over to you at the request of the mall owner and says "we can sell that item to you cheaper and give you Kholes cash on top of it!".

Macys would 1) call the cops, 2) call the mall manger and get him fired 3) have lawyers call and discuss lease options.

These practices need to be looked into by CA State officials (as soon as Gavin finds the $20 billion his homeless departmental lost)

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Fri May 10 16:08:41 2024

the walmart dope waves his magic wand......poof....

another scheme to piss off sellers.....

magical innovations

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