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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Aug 11 2020 21:10:33

eBay Looks for Options as Postal Delays Persist

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay said USPS delivery and scan delays persist and promised sellers protection as a result. It also hinted it may be working with other carriers.

In an announcement today, eBay wrote, "We are continually monitoring shipping developments and USPS delays. We are working on other affordable, more reliable delivery options for sellers. Stay tuned for important developments in this area in the coming weeks."

Some sellers already felt eBay was displaying overly optimistic delivery estimates to buyers, aggravated by the pandemic. Today, eBay said it is automatically extending estimated delivery dates in order to give buyers more reasonable expectations about when their item will arrive. At the same time, it advised sellers not to extend their handling time. 

"Our extended estimates should give you enough buffer, and additional handling days could lead to the appearance of your items shipping slower than they actually are," it said.

eBay also offered seller protections: "Last month, we announced seller protections against shipping defects through August 31, and we will continue to extend these protections as long as strains on carriers affect delivery dates."

And it addressed "Item Not Received" claims. "If a buyer opens an "item not received" case, and you provided valid tracking and shipped the item within your promised handling time, we will wait to evaluate the case until after the extended estimated delivery date."

If a seller's item shows up late because of a shipping-carrier delay, it will remove the shipping defect for late shipment. In addition, if the item is delivered after the extended estimated delivery date, it will remove shipping-related negative or neutral feedback on sellers' behalf.

eBay relies on scanning data to determine if a seller is meeting their shipping deadlines. In today's announcement, it made mention not only of delivery delays, but of scanning delays as well. Do you think the new practices, described on this post on the eBay Announcement Board, will do enough to protect sellers?

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ric

Tue Aug 11 21:50:00 2020

eBay makes more promises to sellers....however..... when it comes time to deliver on those promises it remains to be seen if eBay holds true to their word.  There have been too many promises in the past that eBay has failed to deliver upon or even withdrew because there was no intention to really do what they promised.  These forward looking promises are made to enhance eBay's image with Wall Street, and in reality, will not be consistently delivered.

Rule number one, eBay lies. Rule number two, see rule number one.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Aug 11 22:51:08 2020

eBay shouldn’t be involved in determining anything. They don’t ship things, they don’t deliver things.

It’s all just a way to blame sellers

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Tue Aug 11 23:04:02 2020

"We are working on other affordable, more reliable delivery options for sellers."

Does eBay plan to start it's only delivery service like Amazon? Because for most small sellers, the USPS is the most affordable option.

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by: ebayout This user has validated their user name.

Tue Aug 11 23:04:27 2020

Would luv to know how the e-packets from China are faring.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Bill

Tue Aug 11 23:54:30 2020

I guess I will have to extend my handling times to 10 days from 5.
I don't give a crap what eBay says because if their lips are moving they are lying.
So far I have not had a problem with shipping (knock on wood) but you never know.

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by: sellerchick This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 00:00:06 2020

At least they are doing SOMETHING. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to promise unrealistic shipping times, and provides automatic A-Z claims decided against the seller when items don't arrive.  

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by: ShortSeller This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 00:39:04 2020

Ebay has been gaming the delivery estimates they are showing to buyers. On many occasions you'll find they are ignoring seller handing times and giving delivery estimates which don't even match what USPS provides. Total joke they are continuing to do this while they know there are delays.

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This user has validated their user name. by: RKTOYS

Wed Aug 12 03:22:05 2020

"We are working on other affordable, more reliable delivery options for sellers. Stay tuned for important developments in this area in the coming weeks."

In other news, I'm working on alternatives to gravity.  Stay tuned for more important news from the magical gnomes in my back yard.

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by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 07:42:15 2020

The best question is WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST. ACCEPT THE FACTS THE THE USPS ISN'T DOING ITS JOB. Protect the sellers is the only option. But in Greedbays world there is always that magic mushroom that might make their bottom line look better.

All our stores have a 5 day handling time. We are still busier than ever. Also we only use 55 cent stamps which means NO TRACKING AT ALL. Of over 2000 sales last month we had one INR to which we refund the payment and blocked the buyer and moved on.

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 09:03:37 2020

I dont see any other options. ALL other (affordable) options use USPS for last mile delivery. On top of it it usually is more expensive than USPS priority.

I have cut down on my listings because I cant keep up with all the "wheres my stuff man" ebay messages. Now I have the "when are you getting these back in stock messages".

I really dont understand what they are doing (USPS)? How all of a sudden is there such a delay? What exactly in operations are they doing differently?

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This user has validated their user name. by: Life During Wartime

Wed Aug 12 12:09:43 2020

The items I've ordered from eBay sellers in 2020, and were shipped using USPS, arrived in timely fashion.  And I mean a pre-COVID19 timely fashion.

But my local post office is in the inner city, and mostly minority staffed, so there are no politically motivated slow downs happening.  My neighbors believe the USPS is needed and essential.  There are slow downs, and missing Priority Mail packages, happening in other nearby zip codes.  My tax preparer mailed my package and one to someone in another zip code at the same time.  I had mine the next day, but after 10 days the other client still hadn't received theirs.  And it wasn't pandemic related either, since both packages were sent to people in the same metro area.

I think there is weird stuff happening, but it's not the USPS as a whole.

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 13:03:42 2020

Ebay started this faked estimated delivery time to compete with Amazon's Prime. What they still fail to realize is Amazon charges $120/yr for that privilege and has contracts with all of its carriers to carry out that 2 day mandate.

Except right now, during the Covid crisis, Amazon has extended their shipping time, even for Prime members. I buy things that normally would take 1-2 days, now showing 5-6 estimated delivery. Been this way for months now, why didn't eBay keep up?

Amazon is able to offer that 2 day shipping because they have those special contracts the government doesn't want anyone to know about. They are still a priority at the USPS, as shown in the leaked memos, Amazon packages are still moving, if but a little slower. With its volume of shipments, why did eBay not get a similar deal with the USPS? Instead of making up their Guaranteed Delivery out of whole cloth, it actually could have meant something, now it is just a wish and a prayer. I mean Ole Griff once said the crack eBay shipping team spent 3 days negotiating rates for sellers, only to offer the exact same rates everyone else does. True geniuses at eBay!  

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by: toastedmutt This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 13:36:56 2020

Is eBay still handing out those $5 off coupons for late delivery?

Buyers file INR the day after the ESTIMATED delivery date.  Are they all looking for an immediate refund then keeping the item when the post office gets around to delivering it?

How many buyers actually try to repay the seller for an item delivered after they had been refunded?  

Been on eBay for 2 decades and I have read of only one.

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by: toastedmutt This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 13:48:43 2020

@ Life During Wartime

Clarification please.

In your post you state "But my local post office is in the inner city, and mostly minority staffed, so there are no politically motivated slow downs happening."

What does the ethnicity of the staff have to do with mail slow downs?  Are you saying that post offices with fewer minority employees are engaging in politically motivated mail slow downs?  

Can you cite data which confirms your statement?

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by: Geetar This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 16:03:46 2020


I just love that guaranteed delivery! Some buyers seem to think that if its not there in the guaranteed day, they get their money back.

Then I tell them ok, I will give you your money back. But first I explain the whole coupon thing, and tell them I will still give them their money back, They will no longer get a coupon, and I will put in a package redirect back to me, so it wont be delivered to them.

They then, most of them, change their mind quickly and do not want a refund, and want the product. Itsnt it wonderful when someone tries to game the system.

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 16:42:54 2020

@toastedmutt I have had eBay's Customer Nonservice give me that line about asking the buyer to pay again after refund. I then ask them how, I do not have their email address to send an invoice. Can I ask or give my email address? No you cannot so that, so if a buyer wanted to pay, how is that done in eBay's don't share any personal info world? They have no answer. I tell them to have eBay pay me and then eBay can send the buyer the bill.

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by: FeelingFroggy This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 12 19:34:09 2020

@ Shanna

We are a family of 11 adults. All members of prime. Not a day goes by that there isn't a Amazon package on our porch. In the past year maybe just maybe there has been one package a day late and that was likely because of a major snowstorm. We don't buy from Greedbay so I have no knowledge if their garbage is late or not.

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by: Tiffee Jasso This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 13 00:50:50 2020

Until you get responsibility in Washington, we will continue to see the Post Office delivery decline. The new Post Master has considerable assets in UPS, and is in violation of Federal Law. So is the one that appointed him or hired him, whoever that is.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Thu Aug 13 01:21:59 2020

It's inside SABOTAGE.
Certain people at the local post offices are Deliberately screwing up everything.
They were put in a position of Trust only to screw over the organization.
Cleanse them out.

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 13 02:30:47 2020

"Not a day goes by that there isn't a Amazon package on our porch."  Which makes one wonder, how is it that AMZ is able to deliver quickly and the USPS isn't.  But I feel badly for the AMZ drivers.  I saw guys and gals with trucks full of packages some of them furniture pieces.  And they struggle to keep up and handle the packages.
According to Ina's post office comment, the Iowa USPS removed  a sorting machine. But why?  Did it break down and they couldn't replace it?  Not only is our health care system in shambles now the PO is in shambles....GO JOE!

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