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Sun May 12 2024 13:23:34

Seller Says Mercari Cashout Fee Is Unprecedented

By: Reader

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Dear Ina,
I'm reaching out regarding your article on the new Mercari fee structure. What the article does not include is the new fees for sellers. For a regular deposit that can take 5 days Mercari now charges $2. For instant payout the fee is $3. I've never known of any gig work or selling platform that doesn't have a free way to cashout. eBay will cashout at no charge up to daily. Poshmark has a cashout to PayPal instantly for less than a dollar. Even Uber, after all the lawsuits regarding sexual assault, cashes out weekly at no charge and instant payout is less than $2.

The principle of this leaves me feeling like Mercari only cares about sucking every cent they can out of buyers and sellers. It's not the way to treat people if you want a business to last. Sellers should be treated as though they're in partnership with Mercari, not exploited and gas lit with advertising no selling fees then adding a withdrawal fee. 

I've sold hundreds of items on Mercari. I have a 96% 5 star rating. I try to go above and beyond for buyers every chance I get. Mercari does the opposite. People are struggling, the economy is terrible, and this is how Mercari responds to that? Being the first online platform that makes you pay to receive what you already earned? 

And it cannot be an issue of fees. Any financial institution is a specific deduction on the Schedule C. Besides, every other app I've ever earned money on has had some way to cashout at no charge. I'm really disenchanted and will not ship one more item sold. And I just got two new sales. I'm uncomfortable generating revenue for a company that only cares about milking more and more out of me every chance they get. 

This is not some generous company, it's manipulative advertising and greed.

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 12 15:37:34 2024

What I read from / about the new fee structure for Mercari, they did cover these fees.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Mon May 13 09:09:17 2024


Would you rather pay seller fees instead of a withdraw fee?

It was part of the trade off for no seller fees.  

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 09:42:41 2024

Mercari’s problem is the CEO

Instead of understanding that Mercari was the answer to sellers looking to escape the evils of eBay, and then acting upon it - they decided to jump on that same bandwagon

Hint to Mercari’s CEO - eBay’s policies DONT work well (see the flat revenue and almost negative growth) so copying them and then pile on - won’t help YOU.

Charging people a fee to get their own money is disrespectful and disgusting. The ACH fees are almost nothing - it was a wrong boneheaded move.

Unlimited returns is also bad, this isn’t a Las Vegas buffet - its sellers lives. But, “at least” you can lie and say it’s the cc’s banks fault because you have too many chargebacks - it’s BS but it’s plausible.

Mercari is a mess right now - shame on the CEO and his rinky dink CS for the clown show.

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by: Whatever This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 11:19:32 2024

Hummm - well I love the new format period.  If Mercari has eliminated all the low-ball reseller buyers who constantly were stalking Mercari sellers look to obtain their material to sell elsewhere I say good for them. My sales have never been better since the re-structure.

2nd - I personally know how many prior sellers would withdraw every single penny they had every single day including multipule times per day. Withdrawing even $5. As a business owner I can't even imagine why they would do it - the bookkeeping aspect of all those transactions would be insane.

If you use your debit card at an unauthorized atm your charged a fee right> No one is being held hostage to continue to sell on Mercari. If you shop now at a small business and want to use a cc many business are now charging for using that card right?

I've been selling on Mercari for 4 years now. I for one appreciate not being clubbed over the head over and over again every time the CEO needs a few  more millions added to their salary. I have ID's elsewhere - I simply don't use them. I've had one single return on Mercari in those 4 years. And Mercari stood behind me in that situation.  Is it a perfect site? No - I don't care for the feedback system.

Selling online is not for the faint of heart - it's not quick easy cash - you have to conduct yourself in a business like manner. Life is one ongoing experience. Until you know how to do that job it might get expensive. Ebay Etsy Poshmark Mercari - well their all business platforms. Their there to make a profit. So am I so when I can't I'll try another way.- that's what most of us did when eBay decided sellers are disposible remember?

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by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 11:52:13 2024

Withdrawals are digital transactions. "Book keeping" should not be an issue. If companies sush as PayPal & Mercari can get away with transferring YOUR money to YOUR banking institution to begin with it should not take 5-7 business days. Second, it should be criminal to charge a fee for an "instant" transfer. (Yes, PayPal also charges for instant transfer.) Remember, they are making interest on YOUR money as long as they hold it. They have no incentive to let it loose--unless you pay them to do so.

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by: lancecorp This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 12:21:48 2024

Do you negative nellies even sell on Mercari. I've been selling there for years with no problems - the fact there are no longer selling fees is a huge plus over Ebay where I have categories with larger selling fees to do bogus returns in a category I may only sell a few items a year. Selling fees amt to much more than a $2 cash out fee.  

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by: Nabi This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 14:06:03 2024

I was unhappy about the charge for depositing earnings on Mercari at first, and still dislike it on principle. However, I penciled it out, and for most sales, the transfer fee is less than the selling fees I was charged. Also, I let the money sit a little longer so I don’t have to pay that fee for each sale. In addition, I am now more inclined to get an instant transfer when my balance is $50 or more. I don’t like the fee, but I have adapted, as any reseller has to do often, and I don’t hate the overall changes.

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 13 18:32:16 2024

You were paying 10% FVF plus 2.9% +$0.50 processing fee. Now you pay no fees to sell. If your total pay out is over $11.68, then you are making more money now than before ($11.68 x 12.9% +$0.50 = $2.00).

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