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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Wed Apr 17 2024 17:03:25

What eBay Should Do to Make New Shipping Policy Palatable

By: Ina Steiner

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Even as some marketplaces have begun reducing selling fees or even shifted fees from sellers to buyers, eBay is doing what is, in effect, the opposite. It sent an email to sellers on Wednesday, April 17, informing them it would be passing along shipping discounts it currently offers sellers to buyers instead.

The new policy impacts only sellers who use Calculated Shipping, and eBay said sellers who use Calculated Shipping can opt out of the new policy, which goes into effect on May 15, 2024.

eBay's email to sellers on Wednesday read as follows:

We're reaching out to let you know that, starting May 15, your listings that display calculated shipping will default to showing eBay Labels discounted shipping rates. The new default rates will apply to all of your active and future listings that offer calculated shipping; listings with free or flat rate shipping won't be affected.

We're making this change to help your listings attract more buyers by offering a lower shipping cost. To get the discounted rate that will be displayed on your listings, make sure to purchase your shipping labels through eBay Labels.

If you want to opt out of this change, just let us know here by May 13 and we won't make any changes to your current shipping rates. You can also switch back to showing standard rates at any time after May 15 through your shipping discount settings.

Please note that this change will only apply to sellers receiving this email.

Thanks for being part of the eBay community.

Sellers don't view the savings from the Calculated Shipping discount as 100% profit, since eBay charges sellers a commission on the total shipping amount that buyers pay. For example, one seller who asked for clarification wrote the following: 

"Question: A hypothetical case - at present, buyer pays $5 for postage but discounted postage is $3. eBay takes their cut on the $5 and I pay $3 so I am still in the black. However, if the buyer is offered the $3 discounted rate AND eBay still takes their cut, I will be in the red if I purchase the label for $3. Do I have this correct?"

An eBay moderator didn't respond to that seller directly, but responded to another seller who raised a different issue in the discussion thread; the eBay moderator replied:

The Shipping team wanted to reach out and share the following: 

"Thank you for your response. We are aware of the limitation of cubic rates being applied for combined shipments - we will implement a solution that will prevent cubic rates from being applied at checkout for combined orders with calculated shipping before May 15."

Some excerpts of the reaction from EcommerceBytes readers to the new policy included the following:

"This could only make sense to an MBA living west of the Rocky Mountains."

"eBay has finally totally lost its mind."

"WTH is eBay trying to pull now? Taking away our 'show retail rates' shipping?? No freaking way jose."

If eBay wants to incentivize sellers to stay in once it rolls out the policy next month, it should stop charging sellers commission fees for items shipped using Calculated Shipping where sellers are willing to pass on the discount to buyers. eBay would no longer profit from shipping costs on such items, but its justification for rolling out the new policy is to "attract more buyers by offering a lower shipping cost." Some sellers might actually embrace the policy instead of renouncing it.

For those unfamiliar with eBay Calculated Shipping, check out this YouTube video posted by online seller Vickie of Avante Avenue.

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Perminate Link for What eBay Should Do to Make New Shipping Policy Palatable   What eBay Should Do to Make New Shipping Policy Palatable

by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 14:31:23 2024

@my2cents - I don't know whether it's "make money" or "pay less" but either way it's nice to have the discount available to ME. Another situation I used to enjoy was that a local book store had a UPS account, they encouraged people to come in and use it -- so the increased volume meant discounts from UPS.  With no subscription fees PirateShip has to have SOME sort of reason for offering it to us, unless it's just the goodness of their hearts?

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 14:40:31 2024

@Polly - THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!  I would never have found this on my own!!!

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 14:57:17 2024

@ScottLBrown - you said "Remember, calculated shipping is how we tell the customer how much he's paying and what carrier/method we're using.  That rate very rarely matches what we're actually spending on shipping."

Unfortunately, it WILL "match what we're actually spending on shipping." because it will give the buyer the same discounted postage charge as I use to ship their packages!!   (And me the option of increasing the weight, so I lose sales, when POTENTIAL buyers refuse to buy because the shipping is SO COSTLY! (I've done that myself!!!! )  

Yes, the shipping calculator TOOL I use in the item listing form lets potential buyers see how much they will pay for shipping, if they buy the item. HOWEVER, opting into  Ebay's "Calculated Shipping" option means my Buyer will pay the DISCOUNTED rate I get eBay (or another electronic postage provider) - NOT the "RETAIL COUNTER" price. (What a ploy - EBay using "calculated shipping" instead of "discounted rate shipping"....)  

I want my sales to go using RETAIL COUNTER PRICE -- which is what they would pay buying from most online stores or private sellers -- so that I can use the small difference between that price and the DISCOUNTED price I get from using services of PirateShip,, ShipStation, etc. and eBay to cover tape, wrapping, labels, etc.  

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 15:09:28 2024

@ my2cents - you said  "This new tool has NOTHING to do with forcing sellers to use Ebay labels.  You can still use anyone you want."

You are correct, but I think what Tool is seeing is the tent with the camel's nose pushed inside under the side flap. Forcing us to use eBay labels when selling on eBay is not happening - YET - but it's very possible it could be the remainder of the camel on the outside, that might at some future time follow the nose, right on in.      

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by: terry55 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 17:26:57 2024

Only thing that scares me, is this just a precursor to making it mandatory in the future. But then again, looking at all the threads on ebay, here and other sites, I don't think I saw one person say there not opting out, all say they did. Maybe ebay will get the hint.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 18 21:19:35 2024

1) any time eBay has one of these brilliant ideas A) opt out immediately B) run far away since nothing they do is to benefit sellers

2) I don’t do calculated shipping but I got the email anyway and opted out

3) if eBay wants to be magnanimous and give out discounts to buyers, let them offer buyers coupons and leave sellers out of it

4) FVF on tax is illegal, FVF on ships immoral as they have nothing to do with shipping and therefore don’t deserve to be rewarded. That some sellers beat them and their own game and sold items for a buck is their issue - they should have spent more then 30 seconds on a business plan. Or ask the head eBay dummy (who wrote the book)

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 02:07:16 2024

"...opting into  Ebay's "Calculated Shipping" option means my Buyer will pay the DISCOUNTED rate I get eBay"  ONLY if you select that option.  You can use Calculated shipping without having to extend the discount on the shipping to your buyer.  In the email Ebay sent there is an opt out icon.  Just click on that and follow the instructions.  You can still use Calculated shipping if you want.

Off an on over the years, depending on what change Ebay has made, someone here starts to say that Ebay is going to force us to use only their shipping label process.  I think the last time was when Managed Payments went site wide.

It is so unlikely that Ebay would ever do that.  Heck not even Amazon does that.  And if so site was going to do it, I would guess Amazon would be first.

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by: Ophelia1 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 10:17:29 2024

I guess sooner or later eBay will start pushing shops that don't buy labels through them to the end of the food chain...sort of as a punishment, childish as it may seem.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 13:04:13 2024

“.. to Make New Shipping Policy Palatable”?

Feed it to the wolves.  They’ll eat up any ol’ rancid bone scrapings eBay has to offer.

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by: mindelec This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 13:56:43 2024

there is actually nothing they can do to make this palatable.  i didn't get the email, probably because 90% of my listings are media mail which does not get a discount.

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 14:39:14 2024


I know this has been asked many times, not just of you, but of others that have said this.  You stated "FVF on tax is illegal...", what law is being broken.  

I am NOT trying to start an issue with you.  I want to understand.  I am curious and I'm interested in your statement and I'm not being sarcastic.  

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Apr 19 17:51:23 2024

Sales tax is an issue between the buyer and the city/state they live in.

Sellers are only required to collect it and remit it when asked.

It’s not profit and therefore it’s not taxable.

It’s the same way with retail stores, and it should follow on eBay too.

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Sat Apr 20 01:57:38 2024

That doesn't answer the question asked of you.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Wed Apr 24 13:32:18 2024

Credit card processors have charged their fee on the total sale, item plus tax, since inception.  Thinking NOT illegal.  If a company is charging a fee on the transmittal of funds, it doesn't matter what the funds are.  Except maybe money laundering, which will interest the FBI.  PayPal always charged their fee on the total, including sales tax.

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by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Wed Apr 24 15:33:54 2024


I agree.  There is however one difference between the examples you give and Ebay.  And that was when Ebay moved to the Simplified Fee model.  They rolled their Money Processing fees in with their seller fees and that is a distinct difference that no other site, that I'm aware of, does.  Even Amazon doesn't do that.

So instead of paying around 3% on the sales tax [like we did with PayPal], lots of sellers are paying 13.25% on sales tax.  IMHO that is wrong, not illegal, but wrong.

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by: Grateful11 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Apr 29 06:56:12 2024

It's stupid! They wanted us to start doing calculated shipping years ago and now they're going to come after us for it. Sometimes I make a dollar or two off shipping which goes to expenses to take the packages to the Post Office. I got the email and opted out as about 80% of my items are on calculated shipping. If I were to do free shipping I'd have raise my prices to the level of whatever it would cost to ship all the way across the country as I'm on the east coast. My east coast buyers get a pretty deal but if I had to raise them to the level of west coast either by raising prices or to a flat rate I would lose east coast buyers I believe. If you start adding Handling fees I feel buyers will look elsewhere.

Either way I think eBay will eventually force the us to have to the discounted rate on the listings or do free shipping on our items, I know how they are when they don't get their way.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Lightning

Tue Apr 30 02:02:00 2024


Ebay did wrap all that together, but to compensate they dropped their FVF by half a % (not 1/200th as half a percent usually means, but half a % off their rate.  So if it is was 9% FVF at the time, they dropped it to 8.5%).  And that half a % pertained to the whole amount, so by doing that they were negating the ''sales tax effect''.  Then they added the processing fee onto that, once they took over payments.  

They _are not_ charging the FVF on the sales tax, by their way of thinking or computing, which is actually accurate.  I tracked it for 6 months, and I paid a small amount less in fees on their ''simplified method'' (which is anything but) vs. what I would have paid if they had separated it all out.  It's a much ado about nothing type of thing.  

A lot of people are drawn toward the incorrect conclusion, and eBay doesn't even bother to defend it because they don't have to.  They figure if you can't understand what they did, and how it is just an accounting thing, nothing they say will satisfy you anyway.

They never should have bundled it this way, because this is the result.  Regarding the fee incorporating sales tax, people think eBay is overcharging, charging on the sales tax, it's un-American, etc.  If the computation is a bit complicated, too bad for eBay, that's what computers are for.  At least then it would have been cleaner, and people would not be (rightfully) confused, or getting the wrong impression.

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