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Sat May 27 2023 16:38:17

Some eBay Sellers Battle Tech Issues This Holiday Weekend

By: Ina Steiner

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A check of the eBay Technical Issues board reveals sellers are battling some major issues this holiday weekend. Some sellers began reporting on Friday that eBay changed the quantity in their listings, and some sellers are also reporting they cannot list, revise, or renew any listings.

There are several threads where sellers report eBay has increased the quantity of listings available for sale, though at least one seller said that had not happened to their listings. 

One seller explained how it impacted them: "Same Here - They took all that has sold and added it to existing inventory. If I sold 500 small black and had 10 in inventory, now I have 510 in inventory."

Sellers are concerned that shoppers are buying items that are out-of-stock because the glitch changed the quantity in their listings.

Another seller in the same thread said it will be difficult to fix the issue since they don't remember the quantities of each of their listings: "I'm going to have to spend a whole lot of time going through physical inventory and checking it against the listed quantities."

Another seller who did not appear to be impacted wrote, "I always keep a hard copy running balance of my active listings and so far they look okay, but I have yet to check the MV ones."

One seller speculated eBay's transition from the Global Shipping Program to EIS might have caused the glitch: "I'm wondering if it's related to the switch to eBay International Shipping from eBay International Delivery. The only items I've noticed being affected are the items that had eBay International Delivery set as an option. And today I started getting my first orders using eBay International Shipping."

The consequences of the glitch could cost more than time. As one seller  who experienced the issue wrote on Saturday, "I had this same issue today. Woke up to a massive flood of sales, all of which I had to cancel and refund because I simply was out of stock or didn't carry the inventory in that quantity. I immediately recounted and reset inventory manually for several hours this morning, then called eBay to deal with the delinquencies. 

"eBay suggested I reset inventory manually, which id already done, then they opened support tickets for each cancellation to ensure no fees or cancelled orders will appear on my account because of this."

Other threads on the eBay Technical Issues board dealt with the issue of being unable to list items. "The Create Listing page and also revise listing page will not load for me," a seller reported. "There are very pale shadowy gray boxes which blink softly, but nothing more shows. Everything else seems to be OK, and other websites load well for me."

Other sellers reported the same issue. One person responded: "At least one user experiencing this issue had some success switching to Firefox. If the browser is not the difference, perhaps there was a difference amount history, settings or browser add-ons. It might be worth temporarily disabling add-ons to see if that makes a difference." (They posted a correction - "switching from Firefox to Chrome was what helped that user.")

While very serious for the sellers who are impacted, the issues don't appear to be affecting every seller. We didn't see much activity in the comments sections of the eBay for Business Facebook page and Down Detector website, which is typical for widespread issues.

Those who are impacted worry the long holiday weekend could delay a fix to the problems.

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Perminate Link for Some eBay Sellers Battle Tech Issues This Holiday Weekend   Some eBay Sellers Battle Tech Issues This Holiday Weekend

by: natedog This user has validated their user name.

Sat May 27 17:17:22 2023

Unreal. Absolutely UNREAL that this happened. I now have to re-inventory thousands of items. There's no real fix for this on their end because of all the variables. Is this the last straw that gets me off the platform? Thinking hard about it.

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by: Opalie This user has validated their user name.

Sat May 27 22:58:19 2023

The last time this happened was only on Multi Variation listings when they changed to GTC and one month when the listings renewed automatically they acted like sell similar instead of relist (which auto sets to qty av totals to the the original qty).

That time ebay barely managed to apologize and basically hung the sellers out to dry and left them to deal with the mess on their own.

I have a bad feeling the same thing will happen this time. I don't see how ebay can possibly 'restore' the listings to their correct qty given that some have already resold.

It does appear (at this time) that it may be related to the EIS auto opt in (they never learn) and any listings where items have been sold internationally since then,

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Sun May 28 03:13:02 2023

People should be spending Memorial Day weekend.....well.....memorializing, not fixing eBay website technical problems.

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by: GetAGrip This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 28 07:38:26 2023

Anyone who has been selling on Ebay long enough knows IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A HOLIDAY WEEKEND for them to just ignore the problem. Happens all the time.

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 28 11:29:37 2023

The self proclaimed greatest tech company fails again.

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by: AddyUp This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 28 14:33:18 2023

Here in the UK can't sell similar / revise all blank pages. No eBay for me this weekend but the sun is shining. So it's win win for me and lose lose for eBay.

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 28 18:52:54 2023


I'm having the same problem when listing on Firefox,  but Chrome is working fine.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Sun May 28 19:41:10 2023

Dont worry sellers, eBay is BANG ON!

eBay has 9 THOUSAND employees (ok they are all sleeping) but they have them. eBay will get them up 'n running after he free meals, free healthcare, free childcare, free lunches, free vacation/sickness/maternity time and then AFTER ALL THAT - if theres some time left in the day before GOING HOME TIME - eBay may get someone to look into the issue!

OR maybe ..

(bang Jaime's head against the wall maybe - maybe some brains will shake loose and he can actually do something positive on eBay)

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 29 00:09:01 2023

Holy crap, well if they needed an excuse to hold more money then this would be on the list.

Again I summize ... Works as designed!

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by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 29 18:08:36 2023

So glad I ended 100 grand worth of inventory on eBay, I don't have to worry about their ghosting all my IDs in search, worry about if they are relisting sold items or adjust any inventory numbers at all, this marketplace is finished for good, upper management needs to be fired, the Board of Directors sitting on their hands counting their cash while the entire operation impodes.

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by: Opalie This user has validated their user name.

Mon May 29 21:21:31 2023

It's definitely connected to the EIS opt in and happened on the 26th.

A seller posted this snapshot of the revision (by ebay, not by them) to one of their affected listings -

''Looks like shipping update was the cause. My revision history for items show changes as:

May 26, 2023
05:18:04 PM PDT
Shipping Terms

And yet we have ebay CSR advising sellers who call to complain that items are reselling that they no longer have that the OOS defects for cancelling the sales will NOT be removed and schooling them on taking more care with their inventory!!

This ''glitch'' is ALL on ebay, how dare they lecture the sellers.

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by: UB This user has validated their user name.

Tue May 30 05:48:56 2023

We have sold 2 items where we were sold out of the sizes this weekend. We looked on revisions and quantities and ebay added back quantities. We will be calling them when their help line opens to complain. This is the second time this has happened to us and the last several years.  

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Tue May 30 10:35:36 2023

I would encourage anyone affected by this problem call Ebay or go to Ebay on Social Media and have your account added to the Alert on this beyond serious issue.

ALERT 14709

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by: Goo Goo This user has validated their user name.

Tue May 30 13:27:23 2023

I would encourage all sellers to get far away from eBay and Amazon both, Amazon is having problems entering sellers inventory into the database, multiple threads on their seller forums about this massive problem, they are as incompetent as eBay.

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by: Thomie60 This user has validated their user name.

Tue May 30 21:30:03 2023

As of last week - Safari has become pretty much obsolete. No bottoms, pulldown menus are clickable. How can they get a way with not supporting a browser???

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Wed May 31 01:12:50 2023

Ebay posted this announcement recently.

On May 26, 2023 an update was made to listings with international shipping options. As part of this recent change, we inadvertently increased the quantity on some listings.  

We understand that this may have caused sellers to cancel orders or issue refunds but we’re working to correct these quantity errors. Here’s what you need to know about the recent update:

We’ve updated any listing to show the correct quantity available and quantity sold.
For listings where sellers manually revised the quantity, we won’t make any changes.
For sellers who had to cancel orders, received negative feedback, or had stockout strikes during our update, we’ll ensure that their seller rating isn’t affected.

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