Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sun Oct 20 2013 17:04:44

eBay Changes Store Icon - Why?

By: Ina Steiner

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"I noticed today that the eBay Store icon next to my User ID had changed from red to blue," an eBay seller emailed me recently. "Anybody have any information on that?"

I did some digging and asked eBay spokesperson Ryan Moore last week, "I'm curious why eBay changed the color of the eBay Stores icon from a red door to a blue door on the listing page in mid-August?"

"The change in color was simply a visual design update to the icon," he replied.

The eBay Store icon remains red through much of the eBay site, but on the listing pages, it's now blue. It appears eBay rolled out the change over the past 4 - 6 weeks. So will the color will remain red on the rest of eBay's pages, or will eBay begin to roll out the change to blue beyond the listing page to the rest of the site, we wonder?

If you've been following EcommerceBytes, you know that eBay is running ads in a prominent spot on product listings pages directly underneath the Seller Information section. On the eBay discussion boards, one seller said he believed eBay changed the Store icon color from red to blue so the Store icon would not draw people's attention away from the ad. (See the Snickers add in the screenshot above.)

Does the color of the eBay Store icon matter? Should eBay change the color or keep it red? Should the color be consistent across the site, or should the icon be different colors depending on what page you're visiting?

In tomorrow's Newsflash newsletter, we're running a piece about eBay naming an Apple executive its new Chief Product Officer (CPO) for Marketplaces who will be responsible for "creating world-class, end-to-end product experiences." We'll see if the new CPO will bring an Apple aesthetic to eBay and if so, whether he'll be focusing on elements as specific as the color of the Store icon. (Update: here's a link to the story.)

Assuming he's reading, let him know what you think he should be focusing on when it comes to product experiences on eBay.

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by: sasikat9 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 17:37:31 2013

Seems like everyone is getting a little picky.....Now worrying about the color of something.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Captain Nemo

Sun Oct 20 17:40:31 2013

I like the new blue icon.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Philip Cohen

Sun Oct 20 17:44:39 2013

eBay's intention appears to be to keep everyone constantly off balance, and they are doing a very good job of it ...

“We talk and listen to customers, but for this kind of innovation, customers don't always know what they want.”—John Donahoe (2007) ...
So, there you are, Johnny Ho knows best what you want ... ...

Regardless, whenever eBay/PayPal does anything or a spokesperson moves their lips, they are invariably being disingenuous ...

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This user has validated their user name. by: Anonymous Annie

Sun Oct 20 18:01:12 2013

I must confess, it's very difficult for me to take at face-value anything that an eBay representative says (about anything).

At first glance it appears to be an innocuous cosmetic change (ie: another change for the sake of change?)

But knowing eBay as we do, I'm inclined to think that there's something more behind this. Perhaps ''color-coding'' stores? A different color for basic stores and anchor stores? A special color to indicate preferred stores? Or to indicate corporate stores?

Frankly, I think it's highly unlikely that this can be explained away as being a ''visual design'' change. There's more to this than meets the eye... I'm not sure exactly what it may be... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

And you know... even if it's absolutely nothing, the fact that people react so suspiciously to these things---the fact that we're CONSTANTLY on-guard for any little clues about what nightmare is ahead---doesn't speak very well for eBay, does it?

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 19:44:12 2013

Because eBay cant/wont fix all the issues that they have with search, dissatisfied sellers, few buyers, too many sellers and only god knows what else, DJ and lyin Bryan Moore decided that the best thing to do is change the colors of icons in eBay.

REALLY Lyin Brian - go do some thing constructive PLEASE. You're just being a dumb @$$ at this rate. How do you exoect ANYONE to take you or eBay seriously.

Hmmm hire someone from Apple. BUZZZZZ bad move. While new blood is good - it depends who and what they do.

Thier last hire - Noah Hershman - his job was to reroute electronics sales away from small to mid sized sellers to his big boys at the PRO Marketing Group. To to us smaler dealers - "hows THAT going for you?" ... ummm not so well. Besides having to fight off Cassini, bad buyers, non paying buyers etc - what ever crumbs are left get taken away by this bozo and given to his pals - gee thanks JD - you're a TRUE freind - the best one a seller could ever have ... NOT.

What exactly does "creating world-class, end-to-end product experiences" REALLY mean? $1000 its not a good thing for sellers.

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by: Bloggo This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 19:54:04 2013

''creating world-class, end-to-end product experiences.'' That's the ''Sanitation Engineer'' version of a simple sales transaction.

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by: Patricia This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 20:27:47 2013

Why don't they stop putzing around and fix what ails the site and treat the sellers with a bit of respect and they just might honestly improve their revenue!  Too easy? I think more its too degrading for them!

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This user has validated their user name. by: Basset

Sun Oct 20 20:38:13 2013

My store door has been blue for a while now, at least on one account.
I noticed it but too busy to give it much thought.

Hope they stick with featuring items from MY store right below my main photo. It highlights a second entrance into my store & features MY items.

From what I can tell it is a bonus from using the promotional shipping feature -

First you see ''Free shipping on orders over $xx.00 '', then a ''see more items''…. that leads right into my store (in a second location from the blue door).  I like that.

Finally, there is a running total on the right side to show how far away customers are from free shipping. Perhaps an incentive for some to take a peek & purchase more.  

Although a bit busy, I view these features as positive & hope they become a fixture. Better my stuff than someone else's!

And of course, this is not a mobile feature, just ''regular online''.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 23:06:22 2013

Mine has been blue for quite a while now too.  Not too big of a deal, but I think it makes it blend in too much / makes it harder to see.  Not sure how that is a benefit.

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by: sillygirl This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 23:18:08 2013

Ebay has been on a downslide for some time...The new head honcho will make little difference, espcially since coming from a losing, over expensive, non refunding or returning corporation... They need someone SUCCESSFUL in MARKETING not Losing.

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by: sillygirl This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 23:19:26 2013

Search is the worst in ebay. Several times I searched for it be non existant. The only assurance you have it is seen is in auctions...ONLY>

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by: sillygirl This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 23:21:50 2013

Feedback is ridiculous these days. Even LOSING CASE BAD BUYERS are ALLOWED TO LEAVE NEG 5 STAR FEEDBACK! Seller can call til they are blue in the face on hold for days to get anyone to even LOOK AT IT. Customer service for SELLERS is at an ALL TIME LOW & getting worse. FEES & CHINESE Products are their main course of success...

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by: Bloggo This user has validated their user name.

Sun Oct 20 23:59:21 2013

What this most likely means is that we will see more useless cosmetic changes piled on top of ebay's clunky, glitch ridden infrastructure.  

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by: Tim This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 00:15:03 2013

Remember when eBay said they'd give us notice of change and would only make changes twice a year?  They lied.

The lie about everything.  I would not trust ANYTHING an eBay spokesperson, a PayPal spokesperson or Donahoe says.

Frankly, if it is just a color change it is no big deal... but I can't trust eBay to tell the truth, to do anything for my benefit or to even make the most basic changes without causing problems.

I mean, how hard is it to make a color change from a red door to a blue door... and yet it has taken months and it is still not done?  That says to me that it is NOT just a color change.

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by: JoyfulA This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 00:26:19 2013

So there's a new senior officer in charge of "streamlining the buyer experience."

Must mean eBay's dumping PayPal.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 02:24:55 2013


A change like this wasn't part of the  promise.  This is only cosmetic.  If they had to notify us of every little thing they did, I think that would be unreasonable and a bit silly.  But on things that impact us as sellers, they should enter into conversation with us and notify us, yet them do not see the importance.  We are just suppose to accept whatever they dish out.

Like the recent changes to the FB pages.  That is NOT just cosmetic.  That info served and important function for many.

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by: Dragonfyree This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 02:27:17 2013

I absolutely agree with Anonymous Annie, isn't it sad where Ebay has gone that a change in color of the door has people speculating of some horrible consequence coming down the line.

But I do.  

I'm also thinking it's some way to divide stores into some kind of separate group.

Hopefully they are not the you're items are in search (red), yours are not (blue).

I wouldn't mind Chinese sellers and American sellers separated.

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by: Cloud This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 03:30:21 2013

I'm not going to speculate on eBay's reasons for it but I did notice it right away. I've long ago stopped paying much attention to what was going on at the top of the page since it is out of my control, so the fact that it hit me right away to me means that long time ebay buyers will too. Any thing that draws attention to the fact I have more listings for sale is a good thing to me.  

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by: manny This user has validated their user name.

Mon Oct 21 03:48:34 2013

Logic tell me that this is part of the hierarchy classification & grading system, predetermining  your level of exposure, or some devious manipulative manoeuvre relating to a tier positioning exercise they are testing for your store items in the search order. Whatever it is, I am willing to bet that soon we’ll all have another scar to show! Trouble is they are making so much money so easily and have too much idle time on their hand!

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Mon Oct 21 07:16:59 2013

I think that they should just paint them all black and add "Rest in Peace".

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