Storefront Solutions and Shopping Carts
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Established: 2010

Overall Rating:1.2 Stars - Overall Rating1.2 Stars - Overall Rating1.2 Stars - Overall Rating1.2 Stars - Overall Rating1.2 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Reliability:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars

Customer Service:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Value:1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars


eSellution are a multi-channel ecommerce software company that allow owners to sell their products across ecommerce stores eBay stores, Facebook stores and mobile stores.

The software also allows you to manage and list your products in seconds, select from a number of unique store templates and monitor your stock through the stock synchronisation feature.

Friendly support available via phone and email.

No setup fees or hidden charges. £49.99 a month.

Open Source

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)

Installed Base


No start up costs, no hidden fees. Just a monthly payment of 49.99.

SEO Features/Importer Tool

Payment Methods

Latest Reviews (1)

wcampbell311: led to believe that this site was fully...   1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 6, 2012

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