Storefront Solutions and Shopping Carts
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Established: 2001

Overall Rating:2.8 Stars - Overall Rating2.8 Stars - Overall Rating2.8 Stars - Overall Rating2.8 Stars - Overall Rating2.8 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Reliability:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Customer Service:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Value:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars


Anyone who wants a professional self designed store with no HTML skills necessary.  A variety of modules to fit your needs.

Open Source


Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)


Installed Base


$14.99 up to 500 items
$29.99 up to 2000 items
$49.99 2001 to 5000 items
All stores include 3 images per item. $5/month for eBay module. No listing fees.

SEO Features/Importer Tool

Payment Methods, ProPay, PayPal

Latest Reviews (1)

ddktt: Shoppal was a great little platform for many...   2.8 Stars2.8 Stars2.8 Stars2.8 Stars2.8 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 20, 2011

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