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Established: 2006

Overall Rating:5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Reliability:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Customer Service:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Value:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars


Gixen is a FREE eBay Auction Sniper Service. Gixen features, all absolutely free:

- No download required!
- Places your bids on eBay at the last moment.
- Your computer doesn't have to be on.
- Group bidding: first successful snipe cancels all the others.
- Unlimited number of snipes.
Free browser plugins for IE, - Firefox and Chrome.
- Gixen Desktop Manager - monitor your snipes from Windows.
- Gixen is provided to you completely free, no catch.  
- Gixen is 99.5% reliable.



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Gixen is a FREE eBay Auction Sniper Service.

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Latest Reviews (2)

Wag more bark less: I love Gixen. It is free but they have an option...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars
BackInBlack: Top-notch in all areas, especially Ease of Use...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 15, 2011

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