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ePages - the complete e-commerce solution

Established: 1987

Overall Rating: Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Reliability:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Ease Of Use:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Customer Service:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Value:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated


ePages provides e-commerce software to over 80,000 businesses. Our professional online shops are easy to create and include up to 15 languages, individual design and mobile device optimization. Thanks to regular updates ePages shops are always at the forefront of e-commerce developments. Merchants can generate additional revenue via online market places & price comparison sites, and connect to payment, shipping & ERP systems. A list of ePages resellers:

Open Source


Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)


Installed Base



Free 21-day trials are available with ePages Demo Shops. Resellers such as hosting providers, logistics, telecommunications and yellow pages companies offer ePages e-commerce software to merchants for a fixed monthly fee.  For more details please visit the providers’ websites, a full list of which can be found here:

SEO Features/Importer Tool

All ePages e-commerce solutions have an SEO Cockpit feature allowing merchants to optimize their online shops for search engines. Features:

• Short URLS
• Auto creation of title tags
• Keyword fields
• Representation of images as links
• Plus many more

ePages e-commerce solutions also have an Import/Export feature. To avoid time consuming individual changes, merchants can export their data to Excel, easily edit it offline, and then import it back to their online shop which adopts the changes.

Payment Methods

ePages has partnered with leading payment providers to ensure as many options as possible are open to merchants and their customers.  These include:

• PayPal
• SagePay
• Skrill
• WorldPay
• Google Checkout
• SaferPay
• PayPoint

Many other payment methods can also be activated, depending on the merchants chosen regions.

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Last Updated by Vendor: Jan 28, 2014

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