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Established: 1995

Overall Rating:1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Reliability:2.1 Stars2.1 Stars2.1 Stars2.1 Stars2.1 Stars

Ease Of Use:2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars

Customer Service:1.3 Stars1.3 Stars1.3 Stars1.3 Stars1.3 Stars

Value:1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars


eBay was founded in 1995 and is one of the largest person-to-person marketplace with sites around the globe. Casual and business sellers can buy and sell in auction and fixed-price format and can set up storefronts; it operates specialty and classifieds sites including eBay Motors and Kijiji.

Listing Fees

Visit the eBay website for details on listing and final value fees, which vary depending on format (auction or fixed-price) and whether or not you have an eBay Store subscription.

Closing Fees

Visit the eBay website for details on listing and final value fees, which vary depending on format (auction or fixed-price) and whether or not you have an eBay Store subscription.

Latest Reviews (144)

ddigler: The alley behind the liquor store is a safer...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars
The End: Turn the Ebay protocol clock BACK to 1999 and I...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Sep 17, 2010

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