Etsy updated its seller interface and advised sellers to update their information to meet regulatory requirements. Depending on the information provided by the seller, Etsy will display their contact information to keep itself in compliance, explaining in part:
“In compliance with many regulations that impact the marketplace, such as the EU Omnibus Directive, US INFORM Act, and the EU Digital Services Act, we’ll continue to display certain seller or contact information in specific cases for business sellers and traders. We look at your trader distinction as well as your seller type (Business or Individual on the Legal and Tax page) to determine which information is shown to buyers in compliance with these regulations.”
Etsy provided details about keeping information up to date:
- We’ve streamlined how sellers should input this information. So instead of also adding your full contact information to the Seller details section of your Shop edit page, we’ll pull directly from the information you’ve provided on the Legal and Tax page for some information we may have to display to buyers.
- You should still identify yourself as a “trader” if this applies to your shop in the seller details section.
- We added an open-ended box in the seller details section which you can use to customize any additional business or contact information you want to or are required based on local regulations to share with buyers. All sellers can use the open-ended text box as they see fit for their shop. Keep in mind that regardless of seller type any information added here will be shown to buyers.
- If you had previously entered contact information in the seller details section of this page, we’ve pulled that info into the new open-ended text box.
The full announcement is found on the Etsy website.