eBay encouraged sellers on Monday to use its Automatic Feedback feature, but 2 days later, sellers began reporting a glitch. When the feature is turned on, it is supposed to automatically give buyers positive feedback for their purchases. But sellers said turning on the feature also resulted in positive feedback being automatically left for sellers when they bought something on eBay.
An eBay moderator confirmed the glitch.
A seller reported the issue on the Technical Issues board on Wednesday in a post titled, “Automatic Feedback option is automatically leaving feedback for things I BOUGHT,” writing the following:
“Just as the title says. I’m a seller, and had my automatic feedback options set to leave feedback for buyers as soon as they leave me positive feedback. However, after checking my purchase history, I noticed feedback was being left for SELLERS – people I’d bought from, as soon as they’d left me positive feedback (usually right after purchase). I had to disable automatic feedback entirely. Anyone else experiencing this issue?”
The eBay moderator said they found an open ticket confirming the glitch, which apparently started on June 10, 2022.
Sellers who use their selling accounts to make purchases should be aware of the glitch.
So what else is new?
I wonder if eBay has ever released an update or addition to their system since 2020 that has been bug-free. It would make an interesting “survey”, IMO.
I’m betting they haven’t.
Another new feature by eBay that’s supposed to improve things results in another glitch? Big surprise, right?