eBay UK announced it updated its Terms and Conditions for a service offered to sellers. The Global Shipping Program makes items available to over 60 million buyers worldwide while allowing sellers to ship the item domestically to eBay’s shipping center. eBay then managed international postage and customs.
eBay explained the changes to the UK Global Shipping Program terms as follows:
“We made these changes as a result of the UK leaving the European Union. As a seller, you need to take all necessary steps to ensure you are in the position to export items outside of the United Kingdom including where applicable, obtaining an EORI number (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number) for export to the European Union. These changes will have immediate effect for new sellers using GSP and will apply to existing sellers 30 days after the date of this post.
“You don’t need to take any further action to accept the updated Terms and Conditions. If you choose not to accept the new Terms and Conditions, you can opt out of GSP.”
eBay UK states on its help pages that it protects sellers from negative and neutral feedback for listings sent through the GSP program. You can find the full post on the eBay UK Announcement Board.