eBay announced on Tuesday it is collecting sales tax for more states beginning July 1, 2019.
eBay announcement follows:
There are a number of new states where eBay will be collecting sales tax on applicable transactions beginning July 1, 2019. For those states that we are collecting tax, you do not need to take any action. There are no extra charges or fees for this service. Prior to these dates, please continue to collect and remit tax in these states and comply with any other applicable requirements they impose.
There are no opt-outs for selling items to the states that we are collecting tax for, or out of eBay automatically collecting sales tax for applicable orders.
Additional states will likely be added. Stay informed on the Help pages.
If you are exempt from paying sales tax on your eBay purchases, visit ebay.com/salestax to learn more about our buyer exemption program for tax-exempt buyers (e.g. charitable entities, resellers etc.).
For more information see our April 2019 Seller News Announcement.
SOURCE: eBay Announcement
Interesting….on June 18th, the SEC recorded the eBay management awards of stock. Dear Mr Wenig received 42,830 shares (according to current prices, a value of 1.7 million) and divested of 22,422 shares. Explains to me the push up in stock prices. Happy Days for the Bottom Feeders.