With Quill Protection Gone, What Should Online Sellers Do?

Online Sales Tax

Even if you’re a small online seller with a presence in a single state, should you immediately start collecting sales tax from your out-of-state buyers? That’s a question on many minds after Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v Read more

Sales Tax Threatens One of the World’s Oldest Professions


Auctioneering is one of the world’s oldest professions, a national trade association told the Supreme Court in an amicus brief filed this month in South Dakota vs Wayfair, which could result in states being able to force out-of-state sellers – Read more

The Flipper Brief: Amazon Seller Briefs Supreme Court on Sales Tax


An Amazon seller told the Supreme Court that current and proposed state tax laws are unfair and explained how they burden small business owners like himself. He made the argument in an amicus brief as the High Court prepares to Read more