Claudia Hoeffner is Vice President of Global Marketing at Feedvisor, an AI-driven advertising and brand optimization platform for brands, large sellers, retailers, and private labels on Amazon. She discusses the continued dominance of ecommerce by Amazon and what it means for online sellers in Part 8 of EcommerceBytes Online Selling Trends 2019.
Amazon’s unobstructed dominance of the U.S. retail ecommerce market will continue, prioritizing increased penetration across key areas such as Amazon Advertising and voice search.
For brands and sellers on Amazon, knowing the latest technological advancements, particularly in the AI space, as well as how to respond to ever-changing consumer needs, will form a strong foundation for a holistic business strategy intended to drive growth, while weaving in innovation and best practices for an optimized customer experience.
For example, Feedvisor’s recently expanded optimization and intelligence platform is designed specifically to help brands and retailers build and grow their Amazon presence, including an AI-driven advertising functionality that drives impressions, increases click-through rates and conversions, and reduces advertising cost of sale (ACoS).
To thrive on Amazon in 2019, retailers and brands will need to have a fluid, adaptable marketing strategy that can quickly account for changing consumer behavior. Especially as they scale, this strategy will become increasingly important to remain competitive and effectively elevate profits.
Given that Amazon marketplace sales will make up 68% of the company’s total retail ecommerce sales this year, and that figure will likely exceed 70% by 2019, sellers and brands should be acutely aware of their position operating on the platform.
They should know how they stack up against the competition, what they can do to excel at differentiation, and what information and historical data can be used to help inform decisions and Amazon strategy moving into 2019.
Introduction to Online Selling Trends 2019: Back to Basics
1) Diversification and Expansion Beyond Marketplaces
2) New Sales Tax Obligations
3) An Increase in Returns Combined with High Demand for Used Goods
4) Major Changes in USPS Rate Structure, Adoption of Voice Technology
5) Retail Convergence Accompanied by Tax Complexities
6) Increasing Cost and Complexity of Parcel Shipping
7) “Glass Box” in Artificial Intelligence, In-Store Personalization
8) Continued Dominance of Ecommerce by Amazon