Cash flow problems are a fact of life for small businesses, regardless of how profitable their businesses may be. For online sellers, marketplaces can exacerbate the problem through their payout practices (not immediately releasing to sellers the proceeds of their sales).
So when Amazon announced a webinar on Monday called, “Enabling Growth Through Cash flow Improvements with Payoneer,” two sellers turned a cynical eye toward the company’s practices.
“Join this session to learn how our software partner, Payoneer, can help you address cash flow blockers to unlock your growth potential through a live Q&A,” Amazon said the announcement.
“If cash flow issues are such a problem, then Amazon should return to on demand releases of funds,” a seller replied to the announcement.
Another seller responded, “Amazon has no reason to unless there is a massive incentive need due to a dramatic fall in seller supply. They can however, productize a solution in tandem with an approved service and offset the risk onto someone else. Adapt or die.”
Amazon didn’t provide many details about the webinar content, but if you attend (it takes place at 1 pm Eastern on Thursday, July 21), feel free to share in the comments below if you found it helpful, or share other tips on managing cash flow.