Online sellers who are concerned about the US Postal Service’s decision to slow the speed of First Class Mail have a chance to weigh in next week, but you only have until Tuesday (March 30) to register.
UPDATE 4/1/2021: The USPS has extended the registration deadline – “Industry and members of the public now have until noon (EDT) tomorrow (April 2), to register to attend the virtual public meeting that the Postal Service will hold on April 6, 2021 to discuss and receive comments on its proposed Service Standard Changes for First-Class Mail and Periodicals.”
Last week, USPS announced it will modify service standards for First-Class Mail letters and flats from 1- 3 day States to 1-5 day service, which is part of its ten-year strategic plan.
The Postal Service will hold a virtual public meeting on April 6, 2021 from 1 – 3 pm to discuss and receive comments about the proposed changes.
The USPS said it would make available representatives who are capable of discussing the policy rationale during the meeting.
The conference will occur virtually – you must register by March 30th at 5 pm in order to receive an invitation to attend the virtual event. (Space is limited.)
Note that on Friday, the USPS also announced plans to extend its Priority Mail Express guaranteed delivery time to be 6 pm on the committed delivery day.
You can find more about the new Delivering for America plan and a link to register for the April 6th event on the About USPS website (scroll down to “Pre-filing Conference”).