eBay is making it possible to set up automated Offers to Buyers on multiple items, it announced on Friday. Offers to Buyers lets sellers send offers to interested buyers of a minimum 5% off discount for items up to $200 (sellers have the ability send offers for higher-priced items at a lower discount).
Offers are sent to buyers who are watching a seller’s item or who haven’t purchased an item in their shopping cart for 5 days.
eBay explained:
“eBay Store subscribers can now fully automate sending offers to buyers across the inventory you choose.
“Offers to Buyers is a powerful tool to boost sales—however, we know that manually initiating offers can be time-consuming, especially for sellers with large inventories.
“We’ve been working to simplify how you send offers, introducing bulk manual offers and automatic offers for single listings. Now, you have access to fully automatic offers across your inventory.
“With this new feature, instead of manually initiating offers you can now select the criteria for what listings to include and set the offer terms. We’ll automatically send your offer to eligible buyers who show an interest in listings that fit your criteria—including any new listings you create. You can set how long your automatic offers will run, for a maximum of 150 days.”
On its page explaining Offers to Buyers, eBay lists some caveats, including the following: “If your interested buyers found your listings because you promoted it with Promoted Listings then those advertising fees may still apply.”
eBay published the following video about its Offers to Buyers tool to YouTube in 2021: