Higher prices on First class? Maybe if you are shipping your sale of insured uncut diamonds! Most of us shipping first class are shipping things under $10, and it hardly seems fair for the postage to be more than the cost of the item. Some people are even sending things like stickers for less than $1.50, and are forced to provide “tracking” to prove that they sent the item, so they can’t even mail letter mail, unless they plan on losing money to scammy customers.
]]>Disclaimer: I don’t work for the USPS nor do I play a mail carrier on TV!
Shipping to Canada or other international destinations has taught us that the “Customs Brokerage Fees” charged by UPS and FedEx (and DHL, but that’s another horror story) are ridiculously unreasonable, when we can send something to the other side of the world for less than $20 by USPS while the others charge almost that just for those “Customs Brokerage Fees”. We haven’t found the delivery times to be any different either.
We’ll often have someone ask us to ship by UPS or FedEx, and we’ll get a price and give them a choice, but for over a dozen years no one has used other than the USPS. We’ve honestly felt that some of the USPS prices should be a bit higher (sending a First Class Parcel mailer across the entire country for under four dollars seems like a bargain).
At one time we sold used technology equipment, and for those items that weight 75 pounds USPS is NOT the good choice, but for our main business they’re good for us. Your mileage may vary.
]]>From Google:
Did you know at least 30% of all products ordered online are returned as compared to 8.89% in brick-and-mortar stores.
92% of consumers surveyed said that they will buy again if product return process is easy whereas 79% of consumers
want free return shipping.”
Life is a joke.