eBay CPC Ads Now Available to Business Sellers in Beta


eBay announced on Saturday that its new CPC (cost-per-click) ads are available to business sellers. The CPC ads, known as eBay Promoted Listings Advanced, is launching in beta testing. Note that eBay changed the name of its longstanding cost-per-sale program Read more

Online Selling Trends 2020: Merchants Seek Greater Visibility

2020 online selling trends, Woman hand tying laptop computer with 2020

This year, merchants will seek ways to gain greater visibility for their listings as competition grows even more fierce than it already is. Online sellers are finding it increasingly difficult to rely solely on aggregated platforms like eBay, Amazon, and Read more

Amazon Launches Ad Marketplace in Europe


Amazon announced it has launched a new “transparent” ad marketplace in Europe. It’s tempting publishers by giving them some benefits unavailable through other ad platforms, keying in on simplification and better data. Amazon’s cloud-based platform provides publishers “full visibility into Read more