Sellers woke up this morning to find their listings had zero views, despite them having views yesterday. One seller who reported the problem early Thursday morning on the eBay discussion boards wondered if their listings were showing up to buyers.
Multiple sellers also reported the problem on Ecommerce EKG.
“View counts are all now Zero, even those with a non-zero Watch count. Of course that’s impossible so feeBay has lost data.”
“Same here. If you click the “0” and the chart loads, you will see the actual views, but that’s IF the chart loads, which it sometimes is not. Also, it’s not impossible for an item to have watchers without views, but that doesn’t explain this issue.”
On the thread on the eBay boards, a seller said not only had their listings reverted to zero views, but “just about all watchers are gone too.” But others said their watch counts were fine.
One seller suggested the following work around: “Temp workaround for the Ebay app. Within the app under “selling” it shows 0 views, but clicking on the items views to bring up “listing traffic history” shows the correct data.”
About 3 hours later, an eBay moderator acknowledged the problem, writing, “our developers are aware of this issue and are currently working to get it resolved.” In a subsequent post an hour later, another eBay moderator called it a “known sitewide issue where all items are showing zero views” and referred to it as ALERT14269.
I’m also noticing that when you pull the chart up for the month, it does show traffic, but today’s counts are at zero. That could just be due to no clicks on the listing today, but I clicked on a significant number, including many with regular views, and every last one showed zero for today. An eBay rep told me that my items are still visible, but I am not so sure. She pointed out that tech issues can happen “from time to time.” From time to time? I guess she doesn’t use eBay much!
Remember when places hired qualified programmers and we tested updates? Pepperidge Farm remembers…
This goes to show the total idiots the shareholders, especially the BOD, are at Ebay. After all the glitches and programming problems through all the years at Ebay, the current IT people should not be there – especially the supposed CEO. The IT people at Ebay do not even have the capability to take out the trash with competence.
I do not sell on Amazon but I do have an account for 24+ years with them as a Buyer. I have had an account as a Buyer and Seller on Ebay since before Meg Whitman was hired as CEO. Amazon has never had anywhere near the problems with their site as Ebay has, nor have I ever been treated as shabbily by Amazon (or most other companies) as I have been by Ebay and their “mis-management” people.
In my experience, if you do run into a problem at Amazon, one call to CS, even though it is now in India, your problem is taken seriously, fixed and made right, most of the time right on the spot. If Amazon is really going after Ebay’s lunch as has been put forth in the media, Ebay is toast, plain and simple. The utilities in my State are run better than Ebay – and that’s saying something.
That wasn’t the only bug, went to look at my sold items and got “oops were working on it”.
Stitch has a glitch, NOT eBay
All that happened is that sellers (whom they think are stupid) came across eBay playing with views and history- in s as n attempt to mollify Wall Street
Q3 numbers were in the toilet and the stock can’t really crack $40. The easy way to fix it is manipulating the numbers – it’s ON PURPOSE!