Comments on: New PayPal User Agreement Takes Effect in November Ecommerce Industry News Tue, 06 Oct 2020 01:42:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vigilant Eye On eBay Tue, 06 Oct 2020 01:42:21 +0000 @ The End

Given the following statistics which are available online, your grievances with PayPal are definitely not shared by everyone.

With 346 million active users in the second quarter of 2020, which represents a 21% year-on-year growth rate, $17.772 billion in annual revenue and $2.459 billion in earnings in 2019, which amounts to a 15% increase over the previous fiscal cycle, if PayPal was a bank, it would be the 21st largest one in the United States.

As its growth rate has been in the double digits since the divorce, separating from the sinking ship called eBay was the best thing that could have ever happened to PayPal .

Re: “Banks outrank PayPal.”

Aside from the ever present fees for just about everything, have you ever tried to get a loan from a bank?

Assuming a small business can even obtain a loan, the approval process is both lengthy and challenging.

By: The End Mon, 05 Oct 2020 13:42:49 +0000 Banks outrank PayPal.
Always have always will.
Corporate PayPal suck ups will be left holding an empty bag.

By: Vigilant Eye On eBay Mon, 05 Oct 2020 05:34:09 +0000 PayPal has been my sole payment processor since late 2001.

Besides costing much less than traditional bank services which often have minimum monthly charge amounts and/or a myriad of additional fees for customer charge backs and previous transaction research, unlike my past experiences with bank merchant accounts and eBay, there has never been a problem or a dispute with PayPal in the nineteen years that I have utilized their services.

Both my customers (i.e., domestic and foreign) and I really like the cost, simplicity, and consistent reliability of PayPal.

Additionally there are no loan services that can compare with PayPal Working Capital.

By: The End Sun, 04 Oct 2020 17:23:27 +0000 PayPal is not necessary.
Credit Card companies take care of chargebacks and other consumer complaints FASTER than PayPal.
PayPal no longer has any purpose on the eCommerce landscape.
Other than the ability to transfer money from one private party to the next, PayPal really never had any purpose. It was a New Fangled idea whose time ended YEARS ago.
For most, PayPal is a distant taxidermied nightmare.
