Comments on: eBay Surveys Sellers about Fraud, Privacy, and Safety Ecommerce Industry News Mon, 19 Jul 2021 16:47:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: PACE306 Mon, 19 Jul 2021 16:47:53 +0000 #1 ““Your answers will help guide eBay’s future ecommerce policy plans.” – NO, as eBay ignores what sellers want / dont want. We didnt want MP, we didnt want VERO, we didnt want Item Details – yet we still got them!

#2 “How much in annual sales do you do on eBay?” …. I guess eBays seller protal works about as good for eBay as it does for sellers …. again – another NOT asked for function.

#3 “As you may be aware, Congress and some state legislatures are considering new laws that would require online sellers to disclose their full name, email address, phone number and physical address next to each product listing. Would you oppose any laws that would require you to disclose this information online?” – I wouldnt mind – as long as you post the home addresses of EBAYS employees – so I know where to send Griff and Ionne stuff in the mail 🙂 (as they are MOR (key word being MERCHANT – why not?)

#4 “With regard to your sales / business, what is the biggest problem you face that the federal or your state government could address? ” The biggest issue is eBays over reach and intrusion into a sellers business. Money holds, illegal VERO issues, interference in Returns and the like … just for starters

#5 “What do you anticipate being the major challenges to your sales / business in the next six to twelve months?” finding other venues – ones AWAY from eBay the San Jose Mafia

#6 “Please describe any actions you think federal or your state government officials should take in 2021 and 2022 to help your sales / business recover from the COVID-19 pandemic” … BREAK UP EBAY AND PROSECUTE ITS BOD

#7 “The US Postal Service raises package delivery rates on a regular basis. If the US Postal Service were to increase rates more than their normal range, how would it negatively impact your sales? ” … not much as there are other carriers. It WILL effect YOUR business, since you rely on USPS to do most of the work for you… what would EBAY do if USPS started charging more / discontinuing services / implementing new directives?

By: RL15 Sun, 18 Jul 2021 18:58:18 +0000 “eBay Surveys Sellers about Fraud, Privacy, and Safety”

fleecebay aids and abets in Fraud, Privacy and Safety

Sellers need protection from fleecebay
