eBay upgraded its Stores platform, announcing on Thursday some features and improvements it made based on seller feedback. “Our goal is to ensure you get the most out of your eBay Store,” the company told sellers.
eBay changed the layout for the Edit Store page, calling it a modern and simplified experience. It teased more changes, saying the new design will work in conjunction with more enhancements coming in the future.
eBay also redesigned the Store Categories page so sellers can view and manage all Store categories on a single page. “Adding categories to your eBay Store helps buyers more easily navigate all your listings within your eBay Store,” eBay said.
eBay also made a significant upgrade to its Store newsletters feature, announcing that sellers can now do the following:
- Create a newsletter to welcome subscribers or showcase new products.
- Build a community of repeat customers by telling your subscribers about promotions or recently added listings.
eBay also said sellers can showcase listings in their newsletter based on rules. “You can sort your products by newly listed, highest-priced, lowest-priced, ending first, or even by providing a price range. Filter products by category to personalize your newsletter even further.”
More enhancements will become available in the future, according to the post on the eBay Announcement Board.
Same O same o BS. Zero customer service, zero seller protection, just adding more time wasting crap that will add nothing of value for sellers. I’ve sold on eBay since day one when eBay cared about sellers and buyers, That ended over 15 years ago and our continued lack of sales proves it every day. The greedy execs are always in this for the money grab while lying over and over how they are going to change the site to help all of us be more successful. You can put lipstick on a Pig but in the end it’s still a PIG!