Comments on: New PayPal Policy and Fee Changes Take Effect in April Ecommerce Industry News Tue, 20 Mar 2018 00:54:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: cayenna Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:20:45 +0000 Clarification re my comment: I reread what paypal’s saying re unauthorized transactions and I meant to refer to the ‘buyers logging into their paypal accts’. Either way I feel this is unacceptable on paypal’s part. The fact that they could not tell me how someone got my info to charge an unauthorized online transaction means I could still possibly not be covered. I need to be able to trust and feel secure with the merchants I use for my banking. Now paypal has left me wondering instead of knowing whether I will be covered or not.

By: cayenna Mon, 19 Mar 2018 13:41:57 +0000 I am very concerned re the change related to unauthorized transactions. I am wondering if a lot of paypal’s customers have been experiencing them like I have. I have had at least 6 unauthorized transactions in the last 1.5 years; especially recently. They covered the loss but according to this new info they won’t be! I don’t give my information to anyone, it was never established how the transactions could have taken place ‘online’. So if this happens again they will conduct their investigation as they do and then if they have no proof that the person signed into my acct first they won’t cover it… Basically this is telling me they will no longer cover unauthorized transactions at all. If this is the case I will be paying for a merchant service from my bank and get rid of paypal as I’m not taking this risk. As far as I’m concerned if I could have that many unauthorized transactions to my paypal acct then they can’t be all that secure any way. I feel paypal is being irresponsible by making this change. Other merchants cover unauthorized transactions this is unacceptable.

By: cfrphoto Mon, 19 Mar 2018 05:15:04 +0000 Why would anyone ship anything of value if the transaction was “unauthorized”?
