Comments on: Banned for Life: Don’t Let It Happen to You Ecommerce Industry News Sat, 07 May 2022 00:57:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: guyman Sat, 07 May 2022 00:57:12 +0000 In reply to BurglePork.

There is no vero list of items you can’t sell. Technically, if the items aren’t fake, you’re allowed to sell them. Unfortunately, some unethical companies will claim you’re selling counterfeit items and have the listing taken down, but that’s a separate issue.

By: Actual Seller Wed, 04 May 2022 03:10:29 +0000 Just wait until they all share a database and ban you for saying something like “the US should not be sending civilian murdering Ukrainian Nazis billions of dollars while people starve outside my window”.

By: BurglePork Mon, 02 May 2022 18:36:24 +0000 “also always check … to make sure it is not on any VERO list of any sort.”

How would one go about doing so, Dan? Are these lists published?

By: Mazdaman Mon, 02 May 2022 03:18:10 +0000 Ironically, while used eBay they have been totally unresponsive to another seller who has copied photos directly from our website. Since we sell products made of wood, a natural material in which every piece varies in the grain of the piece, we can easily see that the items in the photos were taken directly from our website photos.

The thief didn’t even bother changing the angle at which the items in the photos were positioned; they simply removed the background using a photo editor.

And what is eBay response to this? They simply don’t care. Oh, we’ve gotten all the lip service from their overseas “support” staff, but they don’t want to do anything. We filled out a VERO complaint, and it seems from their inaction and lack of communication that even VERO doesn’t want to do anything. Apparently, unless the two listings are both on eBay, they don’t care, though we’ve taken reps on a mission to our website to show them exactly what is happening. They’ve even used our descriptive text verbatim, but eBay doesn’t care.

So it seems that copying something from someone else’s website to use on eBay is fine by eBay, though their site still states that they don’t allow this. But this is like so much else on eBay these days – eBay publishes one thing, but does another, especially when it involves policies.

Perhaps it’s only the Richard Pryor Estate-type entities that have the “right” to protection on eBay now. We’ve found so often that eBay doesn’t even have the staff to enforce their own rules, as we’ve had buyers spray profanity at us, or threaten us, even threatening violence against us when we REFUSED to sell to them after we felt their feedback, demands or something else wasn’t quite right, and eBay STILL did nothing at all.

Yes, often we long for the days when eBay really appreciated sellers, whenever that was!

By: The End Fri, 29 Apr 2022 14:31:40 +0000 “The platform you are on holds the keys to your success or failure.”
That just Should NOT Be.
We must have Legislation protecting us from Platform Mission Creep.
OUTLAW Platform Mission Creep.
A selling platform must NOT in any way impact sellers businesses.
There should only be an up to a 5% platform fee per transaction on the ITEM ONLY.
PERIOD. Nothing on taxes and shipping. It is illegal and we need legislation to this affect so these clowns can’t do this anymore.
To do so is Platform trespassing.
