Comments on: Getting The Most Out of Your Multi-Quantity Items Ecommerce Industry News Tue, 14 Dec 2021 21:32:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Heiden Tue, 14 Dec 2021 21:32:05 +0000 In reply to Actual Seller.

It’s very obvious you do not know vintage or collectibles, nor wholesale. I would also say that you don’t understand what the term multi quantity means. Have 50 of the same item is multi quantity regardless of the item in question. Last I checked having more than one of an item is a quantity.

We are also not talking about some old box of record, but buyer 5,000 or 10,000 records at a time with hundreds of the same record in many cases. This is something that can be done in nearly every city in America as juke box business sell off mass quantity of records.

The reason sellers get top dollar for a record or really any item is supply and demand. If there are very few of something available those items will always sell for more. But if you flood the items onto the market they wont at all appear to be scarce and the price will plummet. This is the most basic business 101 information they teach in high school, and even grade school. The more of something on a market the lower the value will be. So putting up 50 of the same scarce item will kill the value, while just listing one will garner top dollar. This is the way collectibles and vintage have ALWAYS worked. So in reality the seller does control the value of an item by not listing them all at once so that they market doesn’t crash.

A record is a perfect example of this. A record is also a perfect example of a wholesale item contrary to your beliefs as they still make records, and they CAN be purchased wholesale. Our first whole sale purchase was DVDs and LP records. We purchased 1,500 of each item, and they were all the same.

Anything call be bought wholesale.

By: Actual Seller Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:34:03 +0000 Repetitive and wrong as usual.

Just list them all.

If you list 1 or 20, nothing matters if no one else has them listed.
Only YOU can lower the value if you are the only one selling them.

Besides, a record is a terrible example of a multi-quantity listing.

Should be talking actual wholesale of obtainable replens like shoes, jackets, electronics, etc.
Something you are authorized to sell and obtain at real wholesale prices from an authorized wholesaler.

Some old box of records is not wholesale, multi quantity or replen. Just a one-off buy you happened to get more than one of.
