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eBay Acknowledges Days-Long Shipping Issues on Monday

eBay Acknowledges Days-Long Shipping Issues on Monday

eBay sellers have been reporting problems printing shipping labels for several days. In one thread, an eBay moderator acknowledged the issue on Monday, writing early in the morning: “I just checked to see if there is a ticket open for this and there is one open. If any seller is running into this they can reach out to customer support and let them know that they are experiencing ALERT15047.”

One seller created a thread on Sunday morning, writing that they had been unable to print any USPS labels for over 24 hours. At midday on Monday, another seller said they were finally able to print, but sellers commenting on the thread got no response from eBay.

On Monday evening, the eBay System Status Announcement board showed problems with shipping – clicking through showed the following reports:

System Status – System Outage Details
Shipping Service Disruption Details
This page offers eBay site and services detail information. For help with a specific problem, please visit eBay Help and Contact.

Today at 3:30pm PDT We are actively working to resolve the issues related to service disruption on Shipping. Please continue to visit this page for updates.

Today at 10:30am PDT We are aware of a service disruption related to Shipping, and are looking into the situation. This page will be updated as we know more.

On Monday evening, a seller reported a problem printing labels because they were not sized correctly – and the Twitter thread showed the conundrum he was in as a result of the issue.

On Ecommerce EKG, a seller reported on Monday that eBay was not charging their customers enough for shipping: “Buyer being undercharged for calculated media mail shipping. Buyer charged 3.74 when actual cost charged to me as the seller is 4.67. eBay rep was perplexed as to why the shipping was being calculated incorrectly for the buyer and is requesting fix.”

If you’re experiencing issues with shipping, leave a comment below – and feel free to file reports of technical issues on eBay and elsewhere on Ecommerce EKG.

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Ina Steiner
Ina Steiner
Ina Steiner is co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes and has been reporting on ecommerce since 1999. She's a widely cited authority on marketplace selling and is author of "Turn eBay Data Into Dollars" (McGraw-Hill 2006). Her blog was featured in the book, "Blogging Heroes" (Wiley 2008). She is a member of the Online News Association (Sep 2005 - present) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (Mar 2006 - present). Follow her on Twitter at @ecommercebytes and send news tips to ina@ecommercebytes.com. See disclosure at EcommerceBytes.com/disclosure/.

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Ina Steiner is co-founder and Editor of EcommerceBytes and has been reporting on ecommerce since 1999. She's a widely cited authority on marketplace selling and is author of "Turn eBay Data Into Dollars" (McGraw-Hill 2006). Her blog was featured in the book, "Blogging Heroes" (Wiley 2008). She is a member of the Online News Association (Sep 2005 - present) and Investigative Reporters and Editors (Mar 2006 - present). Follow her on Twitter at @ecommercebytes and send news tips to ina@ecommercebytes.com. See disclosure at EcommerceBytes.com/disclosure/.

3 thoughts on “eBay Acknowledges Days-Long Shipping Issues on Monday”

  1. So why was eBay blaming USPS? The notice on the label page said USPS is having issues. I knew it was an eBay glitch because a couple of packing slips printed only the buyers name – no address.

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