AuctionBytes Blog
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AuctionBytes Blog The AuctionBytes Blog has been giving a voice to online merchants since its launch in 2005. Named one of the world's top 30 blogs in 2008 by "Blogging Heroes." Weigh in with your thoughts on the joys and pitfalls of selling online.
Wed Apr 24 2024 21:23:20

Amazon Defrauded by Vendor to the Tune of $19 Million

By: Ina Steiner

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Here's a different kind of Amazon fraud: a vendor that sold inventory to Amazon at wholesale is accused of bilking the marketplace for $19 million by allegedly manipulating its vendor system. The US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York charged four brothers with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering.

According to the indictment, the defendants opened vendor accounts with Amazon to sell the company small quantities of goods: "By accepting a purchase order, the defendants agreed to supply specific goods, at specific prices, in specific quantities. Instead, they manipulated Amazon's vendor system, and then, ... Read More

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Sun Apr 21 2024 11:15:56

Amazon Sold on eBay and Other Sites to Gather Intelligence

By: Ina Steiner

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It's not surprising to imagine retail companies making purchases from rivals to gather intelligence, but it was a bit surprising to learn that Amazon reportedly had a program to sell on rival marketplaces for nearly a decade under brand names such as Rapid Cascade and Svea Bliss.

Brands use subterfuge to buy online to sniff out counterfeit goods, but Amazon reportedly ran a project codenamed Curiosity, according to the Wall Street Journal: "Inside Amazon's Secret Operation to Gather Intel on Rivals - Staff went undercover on Walmart, eBay and other marketplaces as a third-party seller called 'Big River.' The mission: ... Read More

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Mon Apr 15 2024 23:28:56

Sellers Learn Private Posts on Etsy Teams Laid Bare

By: Ina Steiner

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Etsy created "Teams" on the discussion boards where team leaders can make them private or public (open, closed, or hidden). But it recently introduced a backdoor where posts in supposedly private Teams are accessible to non-members.

Etsy explains on its help page, "Etsy Teams is a community feature where you can gather with peers to socialize, get advice from experienced members, and share information about running a business in your area."

A reader told EcommerceBytes, "There is a serious breach of privacy going on within the Etsy teams space. The changes they made on March 26 resulted in all teams ... Read More

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Fri Apr 12 2024 10:30:18

Would You Let Etsy Tweak Your Titles for SEO?

By: Ina Steiner


Etsy is testing a feature to optimize sellers' listing titles - automatically. While Etsy runs most tests (aka "experiments") without letting sellers or buyers know, in this case, Etsy invited sellers to join the beta test, according to Cindy Baldassi, who published the invitation to sellers - an excerpt follows:

"We're running an optional test to automatically optimize the listing titles shoppers see on your ads. We’ll make tweaks such as adding key search terms that are relevant to your listing or removing typos or redundant details. These tests will run from April through July."

Baldassi, an Etsy expert and consultant, wrote about ... Read More

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Thu Apr 11 2024 09:06:29

Risk of Deactivation Banner Panics Some Amazon Sellers

By: Ina Steiner


Some Amazon sellers panicked this week when they saw a banner telling them their account was at risk of deactivation. One reader thought it must have been related to the recent issue dealing with Amazon adding the Brazil marketplace to sellers' accounts, and he said Amazon seller support told him to ignore the message and it would go away. But then he realized it was related to the verification process necessitated by the Inform Act.

On a post on the Amazon seller discussion board, a seller warned colleagues not to panic if they saw the message:

"Just a heads up ... Read More

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