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Sat Jan 20 2024 12:17:03

Are Etsy Sellers Easy Marks for Scammers?

By: Ina Steiner

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Scammers are often successful by getting their victims to voluntarily hand over their personal and financial information to them by tricking them rather than having to hack into the victims' accounts. A favorite target these days appears to be Etsy sellers, who are inundating industry boards with questions about the legitimacy of notifications made to look like they're coming from the company.

The fake notifications are convincing, informing sellers they must take action or else they won't receive any new orders or will stop receiving payments. A few excerpts of phishing notifications we've seen reported by Etsy sellers in industry boards include the following:

- "Hello, your shop is temporarily unable to accept new orders. To restore the shop and see new orders in your profile, please write your e-Mail address in the chat. You will be sent a notification where you can complete a simple verification."

- "Due to an update to our payment system and global security update, order processing for your account is currently suspended! You will need to identify your store. As soon as this is done, it will be back up and running normally. Please fill out this form to verify your store."

- "Your item has been paid for by the buyer, but an error occurred while processing the order, and the order cannot be displayed in your personal account, this is due to the update of the payment system on Etsy, please enter your email in this chat to get a customized form for confirming your store."

It appears some scammers use Etsy's messaging system to send a member-to-member message and use Etsy's logo as their icon to make it look like it is coming from an Etsy representative. 

An Etsy spokesperson told EcommerceBytes, "At Etsy, we're dedicated to keeping our sellers and the Etsy marketplace safe," and included a link to an August post it had published containing a few simple steps sellers could take to protect themselves and their businesses when it comes to account security. 

"Additionally," the spokesperson said, "we recently introduced a new "From Etsy" section in Messages to make it easier for sellers to identify when they're receiving an official communication from Etsy or someone on the Etsy team," sharing a link to an October post on the Etsy Announcement board.

In the post, Etsy acknowledged it had "recently seen increased reports from sellers who've received communications from individuals claiming to be Etsy employees." 

A pop-up in Etsy Messages now reminds buyers and sellers: "There's a new section for messages from Etsy! Official messages that Etsy sends will show up in the "From Etsy" section. If you get a message that's not in this section from someone claiming to be Etsy, make sure to look for an authentic Etsy badge or "Etsy Staff" label before responding."

(We're not sure about the wisdom of that last sentence given some people have reported receiving spoof messages sporting the Etsy logo.)

What if it's too late and a seller thinks they may have fallen for a phishing scam? The Etsy spokesperson said, "If a seller is worried that their account may have been compromised, they can contact the Etsy Support team and find answers to frequently asked questions using the Etsy Help Center."

Scammers aren't just targeting Etsy sellers, of course. For example, here's a scam message that targets business owners on Facebook made to look like it's coming from Facebook:

Important Notification:
Your Facebook page will be permanently deleted due to a post that infringes our trademark rights. We have made this decision after careful consideration and in compliance with our intellectual property protection policies.
If you believe this is a misunderstanding, please submit a complaint requesting the restoration of this page before it is removed from Facebook.
Request for Review: (URL redacted)
We understand that this may impact your current business objectives. If we do not receive a complaint from you, this will be our final decision.
Thank You,
This is a message from a temporary support agent with support id (redacted), please visit the link above and follow the instructions.
(C) Noreply Facebook. Meta Platforms, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

For decades EcommerceBytes has advised readers, never click on a link in an email. That also applies to links in text messages - and in the messaging systems of online marketplaces as well.

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Perminate Link for Are Etsy Sellers Easy Marks for Scammers?   Are Etsy Sellers Easy Marks for Scammers?

by: Lisa This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 20 23:43:49 2024

I just got that one on  facebook.

etsy sends and posts detailed instructions, reminders, and policies in email & right on your DASHBOARD (like at the top) many  many times... if you are new, they do it even more. Including tutorials on how the admin etsy orange E is supposed  to look vs.photoshopped.

Even though I feel badly for anyone who is a victim of a predator. This  is 2024. The internet  has  been around awhile and the scams are  pretty much the same as they were when they started. They even teach your child this in middle school and  high school every year when they issue your child a chromebook It  is basic computer lit curriculum since the early 2000s.

BUT... all these people still give their personal & financial information away. Freely, without question, ignoring every single red flag along the way.

I honestly don't think  this is  particularly etsy's  problem. They could put a warning on every incoming message like ebay does, but that will be overlooked too. People don't  read period, They have no idea about simple things.How many reddit posts are there from people that don't understand the 'block' button only pertains to the updates  feed and doesn't  actually block a buyer? People have no concept  of fees or even what is allowed on etsy. ALL the information is in the etsy  handdbook.

Maybe it just takes a thorough scamming for people to learn there are repercussions for your actions.

I have learned many a lesson the hard way, sometimes that's what it takes.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Jan 21 08:36:18 2024

My best practice is that if I receive a link I first check with the source sending it before I click. If I have never heard of the company I do not click and I delete.  Scammers are getting more and more creative. AI will only make the situation worse.

And Lisa says "all these people still give their personal & financial information away".   This is why I am furious that these sites (and every Tom, Dick & Harry) want our mobile phone numbers or data like our birthdates.  Why do they need this?   I left Instagram because they kept insisting that I give them my birth date.

And Poshmark recently insisted that I give them my mobile number.   I really need a burner phone for such things.  The data cat is out of the bag though.  I did a search of my name on Google search this week I found a site that was posting my closely guarded mobile number on it.  The USA needs to keep up with Europe as it relates to us being able to erase at lease some of our footprint on the interweb.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Jan 21 08:37:38 2024

"at least", not "at lease".

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jan 21 10:08:32 2024

“ Maybe it just takes a thorough scamming for people to learn there are repercussions for your actions.”

Would were that so for the scammers.

It’s not just Etsy though.  These venues are all moving minefields of ways that one’s fledgling enterprise can be throttled, bottled and outright de-rezzed.  High anxiety is a common denominator.  All that even before considering the scammers.

Who will then use that as a basis for their guile.  

While waiting for the FCC, the ICC, and all the others in their CCSuites to get off their Collection Cans and begin to effectively enforce their abilities to restrain scamming in eCommerce, there are other things these venues can do.

Make their messaging consistent.  Via their own network.  With a direct POC identified in cases of ‘more serious issues’.  Every other attempt to interact outside that network shall be suspect, unless one was specifically requested.  Have that communicated simply, and acknowledged.  Then stop blasting it.  Too many reps and it’s tuned out like a snooze button.

Reinstate spoof@venue name dot you know what reporting.  Give the CC club something to shuffle around.  

And yeah, no doubt.  Folks need to ‘read the directions’ and heed the recipie before turning on the stove.  The burn salve guys are still in business though, so there’s that.  

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jan 21 12:25:06 2024

*** Etsy, control your spammers! ***

Here’s my story…
I’m a jeweler on Etsy and on a regular basis, I receive spam messages from stone suppliers, from Indonesia and India, who look for business.

I tell these shop owners that they cannot spam my shop looking for money and if they continue to do so, I will report them to Etsy.

But these shop owners do not stop, they continue to spam my shop and even though I report these messages as “spam”, Etsy does nothing about it.

So, I decided to fight fire with fire….
I purchased 3 crappy/cheap stones from one of these spamming suppliers. Once I received the stones, I took photos of these poorly cut stones with bad color, and gave this Seller three 1-star reviews with photos attached.

Needless to say, I no longer receive spam messages from this shop owner.

When any Etsy member reports any message as spam, Etsy needs to quickly respond.

Also, what about Buyers. How much spam do Buyers get on a regular basis? How much business has Etsy lost because of sleazy Sellers who spam Buyers?  

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Sun Jan 21 12:44:13 2024

The best way to discover a possible scammer is to carefully read the message looking for mistakes in their use of English words or phrases. Or, like the third letter example in the article, it's all run on sentences, which a legitimate business would not do. Or in the second letter, "suspended!" I doubt an Etsy message would be so dramatic.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Mon Jan 22 07:02:51 2024

And how about the guy with the  Russian .com address who offered to help me "optimize" my web site.  I don't want to blame every Russian for the actions of their government but I also wasn't born yesterday. There is low risk, medium risk, high risk, super high risk and oh he** no.

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by: MLo This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 22 07:21:47 2024

Etsy needs to provide the same scammer protections on the app as it does on the website. New sellers who use the app get no pop up warnings and cannot send the message to spam. Etsy also needs to pin their warning onto the top of the forum page and keep it there. A hard permanent banner on the shop manager page on both the app and the website would also help. In addition providing information about scammers to new sellers while onboarding - such as when they’re filling out financial information - might prove useful.

One last thing…Etsy expects sellers to contact them if there are problems. Not so easy. The chat center employees are woefully uninformed and emails take forever to receive a response that isn’t a regurgitation of some random paragraph in the seller handbook. These people need better (or any) support.

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by: MLo This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 22 07:43:01 2024

I also wanted to add that victim-blaming isn’t helping. These scammers have proven to be pretty sophisticated and new sellers are unfamiliar with the way Etsy works (e.g., when they get a sale). The scam messages…coming through an Etsy message system…truly look legit, complete with the Etsy logo, and even a seasoned seller might need to look twice. Yes, it’s the internet age, but targeting the newbies and their naïveté is truly despicable.

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by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 22 12:35:20 2024

 Etsy's focus is on their bottom line & making a profit for their shareholders. They are NOT going to expend more funds for better service to shop owners.
When will you get that message? You are on your own.  

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by: Steverd This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 22 12:38:42 2024

I got one last week, and it wasn't convincing at all.
I immediately said scam, I clicked the sending profile and it was
already deleted by Etsy.  

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