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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Apr 23 2024 11:58:02

Must Rate Products Before Leaving Feedback for eBay Sellers?

By: Ina Steiner

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We've seen three reports in April from eBay buyers who said that in order to leave feedback for sellers, they must first rate the product they purchased. One person discussing the issue speculated it could be part of a test - and possibly isolated to the media category.

On April 14, an eBay buyer said they were forced to "rate the product" before being able to leave feedback for the seller. "Unfortunately, it seems to be mandatory. I have no issue with rating the seller, but do not appreciate being forced to rate the product." The buyer pointed out in their post on the eBay discussion boards that they might not even have used the product before being forced to rate it, which could lead to "useless" product ratings. The buyer also said that they would stop leaving feedback if there were no workarounds.

eBay "mentor" ShipScript sought more information from the buyer and said they'd forward the information to eBay employees: "This may be one of eBay's tests. It may not be visible to everyone. It is certainly not operating the way it should if you have to pretend you have already evaluated the item before you can evaluate the seller. I'll send this along to staff."

Another buyer reported the same issue the following day, writing in a separate forum thread: "I wanted to leave a positive review for a seller, but am unable unless I give a product review as well. I don't want to review the product. Did this just change recently? I used to be able to make remarks about the fast shipping, good communication, etc. I can still leave that kind of review for buyers, so why not sellers?"

One week later, another eBay buyer reported the same situation in a third thread: "Am I correct in understanding that you can no longer leave feedback for a (seller) without rating the merits of the item you purchased? In other words, if you buy, say, a book, you have to read it and decide how much you liked it before you can assess the quality of the transaction? For one, I may not get around to reading that book for months. For another, whether that book is good or bad has no bearing on the seller. I'm not sure why item and seller ratings would be mingled other than to artificially inflate product ratings."

Two of the three buyers experiencing the issue posted screenshots of the page, and both of the screenshots included a new line that other buyers said they weren't seeing: "How would you rate this item?*" next to 5 blank stars for the buyer to fill in accordingly.

What consequences do you foresee if eBay forces buyers to rate products in order to leave seller feedback?

Update 4/23/2024: eBay confirmed today that it is making the change seen by the buyers above, though Jessica Vayo, Product Manager for the eBay Feedback Team, did not say if eBay would require buyers to rate the product as part of leaving feedback for sellers. See more in this Newsflash article.

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by: RL15 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 14:04:39 2024

the walmart dope waves his magic wand......poof.....

more unwanted, not needed changes..

magical innovations

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by: airbrake This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 14:47:30 2024

What consequences do you foresee if eBay forces buyers to rate products in order to leave seller feedback?

Buyers will leave Ebay in droves. Thanks Wal-Mart Dope.

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by: lancecorp This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 15:16:07 2024

I don't look at Ebay for reviews - this is useless.

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 16:39:45 2024

Where’s the part where folks get to rate eBay’s ‘product’?  

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by: UB This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 16:45:40 2024

A buyer should not be able to leave negative feedback before contacting the seller with the issue they have for a resolution. If the item has free shipping, free returns and is shipped on time the buyer should not be able to leave negative feedback. We just had a negative after the buyer had the item over 5 weeks. Buyers comment was "NA." the buyer did not message us with any issues. Waiting on Ebay to see if they will remove it after an agent put in a request in as the buyer has a pattern of leaving negative and neutral feedback.

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by: Smallseller This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 18:07:22 2024

What consequences will there be?

Buyers will be frustrated and be tempted to leave a negative for the seller because they are being forced to jump through an extra hoop.

Feedback and product reviews should not have anything to do with each other. If a buyer does not like a book or movie or whatever else, that has nothing to do with seller performance.

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Tue Apr 23 18:42:31 2024

Never stop mimicing (Amazon), eBay. Mimicry is innovation.....and magical!

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by: annon123 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 22:27:53 2024

This is unfair to sellers as they are only selling a product, they didn't make the product (outside of handmade things but so often painting, etc. are buyer specific in what they like or don't like; if the hand made product is poorly or well made that can be reflected in the seller feedback since the seller would control what they made). It sucks for the buyer if we are forced to rate the product. I'd be tempted to leave 1 star reviews for all products with a comment, "forced to rate the product, no way not to, thus the one star" so I could then rate what the seller had control over.  

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by: annon123 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 22:34:39 2024

PS No way to edit... I certainly wouldn't look to ebay for product reviews. I already know what I am looking for when I go to ebay. And something used may be in poor condition or good condition or in between. What does that have to do with product quality review value? I'll give something a low rating if it is all beat up for product quality even if I give the seller a 5 star review because they disclosed that and I decided I was still buying. I might give the same product a 5 start review if it was brand new and thus not all beat up. That again has nothing to do with amazon (ignoring the fake reviews) or consumer reports style reviews.

It sounds to me this is a marketing ploy to get better google placement without paying for it where they are pretending this is something sellers and buyers want to do.  

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by: mjr55 This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 22:43:18 2024

Typical load of Ebay sh*t.

If this is their new policy, then start removing feedback that are product reviews....otherwise WTF is the point of this?

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by: Vigilant Eye On eBay This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 23:16:52 2024

Only part of the venue (e.g., Bonanza, eBay, Etsy, Mercari, and Poshmark) buying experience, leaving seller feedback is an outdated and tedious chore that traditional e-commerce buyers have never had to deal with.

A huge waste of time, none of the items that I have ever bought has ever been reviewed by me.

In fact, before making a purchase, I never bother reading buyer reviews, because unlike lets say Consumer Reports, end user reviews are rarely objective because purchasers typically lack the experience needed to thoroughly scrutinize a product.

As I only buy vintage photographs, slides, books and out-of-production ('oop''), or discontinued products and parts on eBay, making product reviews mandatory will result in my leaving no seller feedback at all.

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by: AddyUp This user has validated their user name.

Wed Apr 24 06:53:19 2024

Hopefully this will be the final nail in the in the increasingly pointless wasteland of eBay's feedback.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Wed Apr 24 14:16:53 2024

KISS.....Keep It Simple Stupid

They just can't.   I already get annoyed from all those junk emails from Amazon asking me to rate my purchase.  That pretty much ensures that I will NEVER rate it.

Sorry but you ecommerce sites don't have to know everything.

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by: Shanna This user has validated their user name.

Wed Apr 24 18:38:02 2024

Why does eBay continue to work on things that are not broken? They are up to over 15000 glitches and problems on their website, how about prioritizing working on fixing those.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Apr 24 21:21:40 2024

Any “review “ should be about the sellers service and attention to detail for that sale, NOT a product review.

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Wed Apr 24 22:26:33 2024

"Why does eBay continue to work on things that are not broken?"

Yeah, good point, Shanna. Some of us have been very reluctant to sell this whole month of April because of SEVERAL eBay glitches. And as standard procedure for a thoughtless company, no announcement of when the problems have ended. Like hello?! It is safe to resume selling yet?!

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by: TKbytes This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 00:39:44 2024

This is just another one of eBay's bumbleheaded ideas. Buyers are already annoyed by all the reminders that eBay sends out to buyers beggin them to leave feedback for sellers. The last thing they want is to be forced to leave a review. I contacted a buyer to find out why they left me a neutral feedback recently on a canceled purchase. The buyer said they didn't know that feedback affected sellers accounts. She said the only reason she left a neutral feedback is because she was getting very annoyed by eBay sending so many reminders to leave feedback especially on a cancelled purchase and that was the only was to get the reminders to stop. Buyers just want to shop... they don't want eBay demanding feedback and reviews from them. Sellers want to provide their customers with a pleasant shopping experience without eBay butting their nose into our businesses and annoying our customers with feedback spam.

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by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 01:39:39 2024

I have had this happen twice. Once on Amazon. Both times I just closed the feedback page. Five Stars should be enough. We all have busy lives.  

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by: ffi89 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 02:49:10 2024

Feedback can be way too toxic. All it takes is one bad feedback from a knuckle dragger to ruin a seller's day, and now the seller is stuck with that feedback for a year.

The only alternative I would prefer is getting rid of feedback entirely and instead just showing how many sales the seller has had.  

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by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 05:44:05 2024

I have had this happen twice. Once on Amazon. Both times I just closed the feedback page. Five Stars should be enough. We all have busy lives.
AMZ has a Review product section and I often give star ratings and not write a review.  I think EB is looking at how other E-sites do their reviews and is trying to follow suit.  I don't mind rating the product -- IF it's included in the rate the seller review.  In other words, if you send me a link to rate/review the seller and if the seller shipped on time, etc. include the product in the review and have a rating - "N/A" or "No Answer."

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