Terapeak search has been down all day on eBay seller page. Normal search and other seller functions seem OK
Reported By: spooky
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Issue reported resolved by: spooky
Seller Hub Active Listing search fail to find Custom Label (SKU) values if "Contains" is selected. For example Contains "4010" does not find "40101234"
Reported By: cfrphoto
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Problem with photos seemingly on all listings. Can't zoom or view full screen. Also, can't view any but the primary photo, although thumbnails are showing.
Reported By: lessthanthreerecords
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Issue reported resolved by: lessthanthreerecords
When using "sell similar" & removing all photos, it not only removes the photos themselves, but the entire section, meaning new photos can't be added. Since eBay requires photos, it means the "sell similar" feature can't be used unless keeping photos
Reported By: lessthanthreerecords
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Items listed using business policies are being changed to "Local Pickup (255123454018)" - The 12 numbers are always randomized and are associated with your original business policy. All sizes and dimensions are removed. Check your business policies.
Reported By: SalvationArmy
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