Browser "back" button behaving strangely since yesterday. Yesterday it was repeated error messages. Now, instead of bringing you to the previous page, it just jumps around (scrolls up and down) the current page. Browser not doing that on other sites.
Reported By: lessthanthreerecords
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ebay did to me: approve returns that violate ebay policy, refuse to correct them, and force you Below Standard, then ebay steals 6% more of all your sales, suppresses your listings causing massive loss of sales, refuses to correct & won't reimburse!!
Reported By: Rtnoww
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eBay holds seller funds when a buyer does a charge back for not recognising the transaction. eBay takes the payment & tells the seller where to ship to. eBay managed payments, should be taking full responsibility here it has nothing to do with seller
Reported By: DailyDorisUK
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Website shows a blank page when attempting to track a Ground Advantage package.
Reported By: EphemeraSeller
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Lately, in the afternoons, eBay seems to crash! This page appears that says "We've looked everywhere and this page is missing". Actually, all the pages are missing! It seems that they are having a lot of glitches of late! Is it only me?
Reported By: methuen-web-sales
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