Amazon won another legal fight, according to Bloomberg Law. “”Amazon.com isn’t liable under Arizona law for a house fire that started when the batteries in two hoverboards purchased online burst into flames while charging, the District of Arizona said,” the news service reported.
The homeowners had purchased two hoverboards from an Amazon FBA merchant. Their insurance company paid for the damage and sued Amazon.
Earlier this year, an Appeals Court ruled in a similar case, this one involving headlamp purchased on Amazon that allegedly caused a fire that burned down a Maryland couple’s home. While affirming the lower court’s decision that Amazon was not liable after being sued by the couple’s insurance company, one of the Circuit Judges wrote that she found Amazon’s model troubling. “By design, Amazon’s business model cuts out the middlemen between manufacturers and consumers, reducing the friction that might keep foreign (or otherwise judgment-proof) manufacturers from putting dangerous products on the market.”
The decisions in both cases were based on state laws, and the judge in the Maryland case made a point of noting that lawmakers had the option to reform those laws.
You can find last week’s article about the Arizona hoverboard case on the Bloomberg Law website.
another reason to clamp down on pur dealings with China. if they want to manufacture stuff and send it here..they should be liable for damages for faulty products.