eBay is displaying additional photos in its mobile app in the default view. Mobile shoppers who are part of the test population will see thumbnail images under the main photo without having to make additional clicks.
A product manager for the iOS/Android application who works on the Item Viewing experience – the listing page that shows the title, price, photos, and description – posted a notice on the eBay discussion boards on Friday and asked what people thought of the “new image viewing experience on eBay.”
“We know how much our buyers love seeing all images, and we thought this would be a great way to engage with all photos,” the manager wrote.
Last year, eBay made images taller, and added a photo counter and a new gallery view, the manager said, adding that eBay was excited to hear how customers felt about the newest change.
One commentor said easier access to the pictures could only be a good thing, but said “Encouraging buyers to read the description is the single most important thing that you should be doing with the apps.”
Another seller suggested eBay make listings with video stand out more, both on the view listing page and in search. “The search results page should have a filter (something like “includes video”) and preferably an icon of some sort in the actual search result entry, so a buyer can see at a glance that, if he clicks through to the view item page, he will encounter a video.”
Highlighting videos would give sellers more incentive to take the time to add videos, the seller added.

Buyers and sellers can add their comments to the thread on the eBay iOS App discussion board.